At the next morning, the first day of August, Mathusala went to hunting. She found a hare, and fitted a silver arrow on the silver bowsting those had been modelled after on Artemis' those. She was aiming the hare that was running very fast. Mathusala launched the arrow. But it missed. She launched again. But it went wide too. And she launched the last arrow. But it missed too. And she cried, The hare is too fast! , and chucked away her bowsting, and ran after and flew at the hare, and caught. And she said, Oh! It is so cute! I eat it that is cruel. Shall I set it free? , and did let it go. Then an eagle tried to attack the hare. And she started to run, and flew at the eagle, and caught. And she abused, I'm going to make it be cat's food! , and started to pluck its feathers. And she went back to her house, and dropped the eagle onto Chat's front. And Chat started to fight with the eagle. Then she saw a shooting star that fell onto near. And she went running to the scene where the shooting star had fallen. She looked up and thought that the shooting star wasn't a fragment of Metides, while running. That direction was the Lion. Mathusala had memoried all starry positions, therefore she was able to know the direction with her observation. And she was able to know the starry positions from the direction and the time too. Soon she came to the scene. Then she looked a crater that existed on there, and found a man who was lying in the crater. Mathusala called, Hephæstus! Art thou all right? And the man got up and said to her, Thou art Mathusala artn't thou? I get taken Hera side at a quarrel between Zeus and Hera, therefore Zeus geteth dropped me. And Mathusala said, How is my father Ganymedes? Is he vigor? Hephæstus said, He is very spirited. Mathusala said, Thou hast two mothers Hera and Tethys. Is filial piety hard? Didst thou make tropical fishes from jewels for Tethys? And Hephæstus said, Oh no! Hast thou heared in where? It's a made up story by novelists! Art thou lonely alone? Mathusala said, No. I ain't. Because I'm living with cats. They are very lovely! Then Hephæstus said, Oh! Thou art like Artemis! She is a cat lover too! And he gave her three glass eggs those contained a small scepter and a small trident and a thread in their own insides, and said, These are gifts from thy father. Thou canst turn whatever animals to thy servant. Thou mayst feed thy favorite animal, therefore it'll be thy servant. And he said to the Heaven, My father. I'm sorry. Take up me, please. Then a lightning flashed in the sky. And Mathusala looked around. Then Hephæstus had vanished. That was similar to when Mathusala's father Ganymedes got been taken by the God.