This time I want to introduce Terawaka ramen

This picture is miso-ramen. 

Quality for Miso-ramen itself ramen misoya has higher than Terawaka ramen but,,, 


terakawa ramen 


Terakawa ramen has one of the best Japanese style fried rice. 

fried rice 

This picture does not look delicious but

 this fried rice reminds me of ramen shop in Japan. 


I don't know why ramen shops in NY have no fried rice menu but in Japan,

most of the ramen shops have one and we love it. 


So when I miss the combination of ramen and fried rice I go Terakawa ramen. 


The shop is cozy and maybe total seats are around 15 seats so might be better to skip busy time from noon to 1:30 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm. 


Terakawa ramen

885C 9th Ave b/t 57th St & 58th St Hell's Kitchen, Midtown West


Price ★★★★☆ Reasonable price.  There is a combo for ramen+friedrice.carb paradise!

Service  ★★★☆☆ Good!

Taste ★★★☆☆ Once in a while I want to eat this.


Do I want to go again? Yes, I usually go this place once a year.

Have you eaten a miso ramen?

This ramen shop is for miso ramen lover.


Miso ramen is originally from Hokkaido. 

Northan part of Japan.


hokkaido.jpg \


Hokkaido is a huge island and well know for great farm and agriculture.

Also great seafood(sushi). You must eat sushi and ramen in Hokkaido!




There is kome-miso mame-miso shiro-miso ramen and all three are good!

I'm sure Misoya is one of the best quality for miso ramen.


Ramen Misoya

Price ★★★★☆ Norma price renge. 

Service ★★★★☆ Good!

Taste ★★★★☆ Best miso ramen as long as I know in NY.


Do I want to go again? Yes, If this shop located closer I will definitely go more often.


Message or new ramen shop info welcome!!

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Hi, this is Tatsuya.

This time I want to introduce the ramen shop I love to go from near my salon.

Nishida sho ten.


Yes! Japanese love ramen!

There are 35k ramen shops in Japan (Tokyo has 3.4k)

Price range in Japan is $6 to $9 so reasonable. 

So you should make a list of the ramen shops if you travel to Japan.


(I googled there are 71k pizza shops in USA NY state has 8.4K)


nishida sho ten 


If you like bit spicy soup you must love this.

Tan Tan men! 


tan tan men 



I usually order tan tan men with extra noodle (kaedama) same time.

Yes, I'm big eater!


I ate miso noodle before but roasted pork fillet is bit too heavy for me.


So when I'm in a mood for having a miso noodle I usually go to another one.

I will let you know another time.


Anyway, I'm so happy there are many ramen shops in everywhere nowadays!

See you soon.


Nishida-sho ten

302 E 49th St (b/t 1st Ave & 2nd Ave)


Price ★★★★☆  normal price range, midnight extra noodle is free.

Service ★★★★☆ Good service!

Taste ★★★★☆ I love Tan tan men but other ramen is OK for me.


Do I want to go again? Yes, when I want to eat Tan Tan men here is my place.


Message or new ramen shop info welcome!!

Thank you for visiting Tatsuta's blog!