






死の駅伝 The Ekiden of death .../L'ekiden de la mort… - フランスLe Monde (Blog)11/13
【死の駅伝 The Ekiden of death ...
Published on November 13, 2011 by Philippe Mesmer
L'ekiden de la mort… - Le Monde (Blog): L'ekiden de la mort…Le Monde (Blog)La décision des autorités
* Original site: http://mesmer.blog.lemonde.fr/2011/11/13/lekiden-de-la-mort/
Philippe Mesmer(ル・モンド誌等の東京特派員・記者,Correspondent for Le Monde and L'Express in Tokyo, covering Japan and Koreas) http://mesmer.blog.lemonde.fr

The decision of the authorities of the prefecture of Fukushima, the most affected by the nuclear crisis, maintain the traditional Ekiden (駅伝, a relay race, from this time from 3 to 10 km, for a total of 42.195 kilometers, the distance d a marathon) of high school students, is at least questionable. Adolescents from 17 prefectures (Tohoku, but also in Tokyo and Yamanashi) are at the 27th edition of the competition this Sunday, November 13 in and around the city of Fukushima.

The event is organized by the Athletics Federation of Television and Tohoku Fukushima, with the support of the daily Sankei Sports, but also Toyota, Citizen of the railway company and the supplier JR East Mizuno.

In September, the organizers claimed that the radiation represented no danger. They furthermore have measured the levels of radioactive contamination along the route. According to them, they exceeded a microsieverts per hour but were on the downside. The city has committed itself to decontaminate Shinobugaoka course, start and finish of the race.

Under these conditions, why these same organizers, according to some sources, asked all the girls to sign a release stating "If anything happens, it will not be our responsibility?" Surprising to compete very popular in Japan and whose very essence is to give strength and good health. Also surprising given that those most vulnerable to radiation are the youngest.

致命的な駅伝 Deadly Ekiden ...
It is strange to see That Fukushima Prefecture Authorities Decided to Maintain ITS traditionnal junior high school and high school Ekiden (駅伝, a traditionnal long-distance relay in Japan). So the 27th edition has-been Held on November 13th in and around Fukushima city, one of the MOST radiation Affected city. Girls from 17 prefectures (Tohoku From aussi goal from Tokyo) are Participating.

The event IS Organised by Tohoku Athletic Association, Along With Fukushima TV, with the support of Toyota, Mizuno, JREast (Railway Company) and Citizen.

People in charge are not say a radiation hazard. In September, the air THEY Measured radiation level Along the course, and Said it is over a microsievert per hour maximum and That It Is trending down. Fukushima City Decided to decontaminate the Shinobugaoka rentals Including Athletic Field Which starts and finishes the Ekiden.

Based On That, why, After sources Organisers ask girls to sign a statement if Saying There Is a problem, It Is not Their responsability? It's strange for a competition That Is Supposed to be good for health. Because It Is Also The Most strange persons vulnerable to radiation are children.】