911真相解明 『リチャード・コシミズ氏 東京講演会』2/5
911真相解明 『リチャード・コシミズ氏 東京講演会』3/5

911真相解明 『リチャード・コシミズ氏 東京講演会』4/5
911真相解明 『リチャード・コシミズ氏 東京講演会』5/5



3.29 リチャード・コシミズ東京講演会全編

WTC ビルがマイクロ核爆発によって破壊された報告書




この報告書には、破壊されたWTC ビルの粉塵に放射能物質が発見され、溶けた鉄の超高熱温のプールの存在と残熱期間、地震計の兆候、爆発状態の見た目の形状、海軍と特殊部隊が使うマイクロ核爆弾(SADM)の存在等の報告書です。下に英語の概略の説明です。



On the 11th September 2001 at 09:59 and 10:28 EDT, two enormous explosions pulverised the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York. The 400 metre high towers disintegrated in a volcanic eruption of dust and rubble while the entire world watched in Shock and Awe on live television.

The buildings were "smulched into a smouldering pit" where the temperature remained so high that soil and glass were vaporised - boiled away - for over 6 weeks.

Numerous accounts of the discovery of molten steel weeks later, along with video proof , give further witness to this phenomenon.

Never before in the history of modern construction has a steel framed building collapsed due to fire.

In the aftermath of the collapse, a team of scientists from the US Geological Survey collected samples of dust from 35 locations in Lower Manhattan where it had come to rest from the enormous pyroclastic dust cloud that enveloped the city.

In the dust, they found high levels of chemical elements that had no business being there.

Extremely rare and toxic elements.

Some of them elements that only exist in Radioactive Form.

Elements such as Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum and Yttrium.














The concentrations of these rare elements in the dust samples were related to each other by significant mathematical relationships.

Although these elements discovered in high quantities are very rare in the general environment, one well known situation occurs in which they are very common. In fact, the elements discovered form a distinctive signature and hallmark of a certain well known chemical process.

Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum, Yttrium and other elements discovered in the dust are characteristic fission products of Uranium. Even some Uranium was present in significant amounts. The presence of all of these elements together in mathematically related quantities can only be explained by Nuclear Fission.

The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible that the Twin Towers were subjected to far more than just a conventional Controlled Demolition. They were each pulverised to dust by a Nuclear Explosion.

But even more than that, the vast quantity of fallout produced and other factors shows that the explosions were not produced by ordinary atomic bombs.

The explosions were produced by a clandestine Nuclear Reactor under each tower undergoing a "power excursion" and then a core meltdown.

It is not believable that this could have occurred by accident. The reactors would have been located well below the 27 metre deep B6 basement level that was officially the bottom of the WTC construction. The reactor cores were probably 80 metres below ground. The aircraft impacted the towers high above, more than 300 metres above ground level. It is inconceivable that the aircraft crashes could have affected the reactors buried deep beneath the ground.

Who built these clandestine reactors? For what purpose? Who co-ordinated their deliberate core meltdown with the aircraft crashes?

Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the WTC

This 166 page report with 66 figures, graphs and photographs presents the detailed evidence for the Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Centre. It is written in as non-technical a way as possible for a wide audience, including explaining the chemistry of nuclear fission.

While many people have shown that the towers were subjected to a controlled demolition, this is the first public document to present the evidence and proof that they were in fact subjected to a Nuclear Controlled Demolition. No data on the fallout from a nuclear explosion has ever been available to the public before. This document presents the USGS data along with comprehensive analysis.

While others have suspected that the towers may have been subjected to nuclear explosions - because of the seismographic data, the hot spots and the vast amount of energy expended in the explosions, the incontrovertible proof comes from the USGS data.

Radioactive Fallout. Nuclear Fission Products. The evidence from the USGS data makes the case. Far Beyond Reasonable Doubt.

The report covers:

  • The Radioactive Fallout and Fission Products
  • The Seismographic Evidence
  • The Residual Heat, Hot Spots and Molten Steel
  • The Blast Signature
  • Unique and Disturbing Features of the WTC "Weapon"
  • Overall Evidence for a Core Meltdown and the its Effects on New York

This report will be of service to the 911 Research Community, the Public, the People of New York and those who are working to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

To those who believe that this information should not be made widely known - I say that this information must no longer be swept under the carpet. The data is in the Public Domain. Its implications must be brought to wider attention, so that it can be further investigated and appropriate measures taken to ensure the health and safety of New York.

In 1986, the US Congressional Sub Committee on Energy Conservation and Power released a report: "American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on US Citizens". Surreptitious administration of radioactive substances to New York prison inmates was still going on in 1994.

The Sierra Club have described in their report "Pollution and Deception at Ground Zero" how people were told to clean up the dust themselves. No special precautions were necessary, the EPA continuously assured them. Specialist cleanup contractors were rarely used. Thousands of people have been needlessly and callously exposed.

In an interview with MSNBC, Marianne Harinko, Acting EPA Administrator at the time said before she resigned:

"I pray to God that in the event of another terrorist attack, God Forbid, we as an agency would be equipped to get the data analysed and posted to the public. God forbid there is a dirty bomb".

You can now Download the Full Report Free of Charge by clicking on the button below.






アメリカ地質調査所(アメリカちしつちょうさじょ、United States Geological Survey, 略称USGS)とは、アメリカ合衆国 内務省傘下の研究機関である。研究部門は生物学地質学地理学水文学 の4部門に分かれており、アメリカ領内を中心に全世界において、緑化や天然資源などを調査しており、地形図地質図 の製作や地震 の観測を行っている(ウィキペディアから)。
