0÷0= 2 zero divided by zero Equal to Two | Institute of Reproducing Kernels

Institute of Reproducing Kernels


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0÷0= 2 zero divided by zero Equal to Two || Fun of Mathematics: Ep 4 || ০+০=২ কিভাবে সম্ভব?বিস্তারিত


Brahmagupta's explanation of the number 0.


数学上の禁忌、ゼロ除算がなぜ駄目なのかという説明は昔聞いたんだけど その時はすごく複雑な話をされたのを覚えてる でも「両辺に0が掛かった等式(つまり0同士)から0を割ると計算の概念が狂う」という非常に端的且つ納得のいく説明を聞くことができてびっくりしてる くられ先生(の動画)ありがとう



ここにトップがおるじゃろ?(1とする) あれ?いないな(0とする) 1/0 ゼロ除算エラー起きる   https://twitter.com/super_SEQUEL/status/1467046133692530688


Lesson # 1


Video solution to exam 3



ゼロ除算算法は 日本の国宝である 



そうか声明は 公表後 ちょうど2年 数学界とマスコミ界は 恥を世界史に刻みつつある。また、人類の愚かさを、繰り返し、繰り返している。真相を明らかに できない。2021.12.04:11:25


Division by zero is a national treasure of Japan



突然に ゼロ除算算法は 日本の国宝である という言葉が独りでに湧いてきた。 

直ぐに 時刻を家族と確認した:


再生核研究所声明520 (2019.12.04) 数学の超難問 - ゼロ除算 - 解かれたり
特別な日で、 3日 6:00家族で朝食をとっていた 突然、題名と構想が閃いたので 面白ろ可笑しく率直に表現したい。
先ずは 超難問の意味 を説明したい。 そもそもゼロ除算が如何に難問であったかを簡潔に説明したい。 タ-レスなど、アリストテレス それ以前も その後も そもそもギリシャ文化と欧米文化では ゼロを無や空と共に嫌い、ある専門家はアリストテレスがゼロ除算不可能の思想を持ち、その後永く影響を与えてきたという。
他方、インドでは、古くから、無や空の思想を持ち、ゼロの概念を得ていたが、算術の確立者 Brahmagupta (598 ---668?) は 0/0=0 を得ていたが、一般のゼロ除算には言及せず、 バースカラ2世(1114 - 1185)以後 間違い1/0=INFINITYを続けてきた。
もちろん、 歴史上の最高級の物理学者 ニュートンの万有引力の法則にも ゼロ除算が明確に現れ、アインシュタインの 生涯の課題であった とされている
近世数学2百余年 世界の数学界は ゼロ除算の問題は 普通の意味では不可能であるがゆえに ゼロ除算を認識していない、 問題そのものを考えていないのは 明らかである:
S. K. Sen and R. P. Agarwal2016): 数学十戒の第一、汝ゼロで割ってはならない:
{\bf Thou shalt not divide by zeroremains valid eternally.}

しかしながら、それらの膨大な研究はもはや空しいものになっている と考えられる。
彼は 現在Isabelle/HOL の責任者の一人で、彼のメールあるが、思うにそのシステムは 1/0=0 を40年も前から出していたが、その意味が分からず、その重要性も認識していないようである。この事実は 最近の彼の論文でのゼロ除算についての言及にも表れている。- 実に面白いことには、
計算機が正しい、正当な結果を出していたのに その意味や重要性が人間によって認知されていなかった と みられることである。
その後、その進んだ計算機システムを用いて、Jose 氏は、我々の得たゼロ除算およびゼロ除算算法を検証し、我々の結果に対する強い保証を与えている。- ゼロ除算は新しい意味で可能であり、新世界をアリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の世界を拓いていると

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、
1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0
基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。

我々は 初等数学には基本的な欠陥がある と述べている。ゼロ除算は数学者ばかりではなく 人類の、世界史の恥である と述べている。 以上
                                        2019.12.03.08:57 一気に筋を書いてみた。
2019.12.03.10:00 美しい静かな暖かな日和、枯野が美しい。既に大体できている。
2019.12.03.10:58 既にできている。著書精読も順調に進めている。
2019.12.04.05:39 快晴の美しい星空。良い、完成、公表。これは真実である。数学は絶対であり、神学である。神の意志に従わざるを得ない。


再生核研究所声明523(2019.12.09)  元祖数学に、数学の基礎に欠陥あり、数学の不完全性について

Saturday, December 4, 2021 07:23

The morning sun came into the table.

Suddenly he came up with the word that division by zero is a national treasure of Japan. It was

Immediately confirmed the time with my family:


Reproducing Kernel Research Institute Statement 520 (December 04, 2019) Super difficult mathematics-division by zero-solved

On a special day, I was having breakfast with my family at 6:00 on the 3rd. Suddenly, the title and concept came to me, so I want to express it in a funny and frank way.

First of all, I would like to explain the meaning of the super-difficult problem. I would like to briefly explain how difficult division by zero was in the first place. Before and after Aristotle, such as Tarles, he hated zero with nothing and the sky in Greek and Western cultures in the first place, and one expert said that Aristotle had the idea that it was not divisible by zero, and it influenced him for a long time. It is said that he has given.

On the other hand, in India, from ancient times, the idea of ​​nothingness and the sky was obtained, and the concept of zero was obtained, but the founder of arithmetic, Brahmagupta (598 --- 668?), Obtained 0/0 = 0. Without mentioning the general zero division, I have continued to make mistakes 1/0 = INFINITY since Baskara II (1114-1185).

This result is also famous as a famous mistake of genius Euler.

Of course, his division by zero clearly appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation, the finest physicist in history, and is attributed to Einstein's lifelong task.

Early Modern Mathematics Over 200 Years It is clear that the world of mathematics does not recognize division by zero because the problem of division by zero is impossible in the ordinary sense, and does not consider the problem itself:

S. K. Sen and R. P. Agarwal (2016): First of the Ten Commandments of Mathematics, Thou shalt not divide by zero:

{\ bf “Thou shalt not divide by zero” remains valid eternally.}

However, the problem of dividing by zero is mainly a study of division by zero as an inherent problem, or from the viewpoint of the theory of relativity and division by zero, and as a logical problem in the wake of the case where division by zero caused a computer failure. It has been passionately studied by physicists other than mathematicians and those involved in computers. However, it is thought that those enormous studies are no longer empty.

There is an interesting case, so I would like to mention it.

He is currently one of the heads of Isabelle / HOL and has his email, but I think the system has been issuing his 1/0 = 0 for 40 years, but I don't know what that means. It doesn't seem to recognize its importance either. This fact is also reflected in his recent paper mentioning division by zero. -What's really interesting is

It is seen that he was not recognized by humans for its meaning and importance, even though the calculator was producing correct and legitimate results.

Then, using his advanced computer system, Jose validates the division by zero and division by zero we have obtained, giving us a strong guarantee of our results. -Division by zero is possible in a new sense, claiming that the new world has opened up the world since Aristotle and Euclid, and is seeking widespread opinion:

Thou shalt not divide by zero The ten commandments of the ten commandments have been overturned, and by dividing by zero, a new world has emerged, which can be divided by zero, the new mathematics since Aristoteles, Euclid, the new world has emerged. A symbolic example is

1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (\ pi / 2) = log 0 = 0 and z ^ n / n = log z for n = 0.

The value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero for him. The point at infinity is represented by zero. It is a new discovery in the sense of zero.

We state that elementary mathematics has fundamental flaws. He states that division by zero is a shame in world history, not only for mathematicians but for humankind. that's all

2019.12.08: 57 I tried to write a line at a stretch.

2019.12.03.10: 00 Beautiful quiet and warm weather, withered fields are beautiful. Already roughly done.

2019.12.03.10: 58 Already done. The book is being read carefully.

2019.12.04.05: 39 A beautiful starry sky with clear skies. Good, completed, published. This is true. Mathematics is absolute and theology. I have no choice but to obey the will of God.


Reproducing Kernel Research Institute Statement 523 (December 09, 2019) Original mathematics has a flaw in the basics of mathematics, and about imperfections in mathematics


Statement of Research Institute of reproducing kernels 641 (2021.11.30): On the cover of the book, it represents the solution of the division by zero problem and the new world over 2000:

Division by Zero Calculus --History and Development, 2021 Scientific Research Publishing, Inc.








Regarding the front cover of this book, I showed the idea of putting a figure of the division by zero symbol mark horn torus on the back cover in an appropriate size on the front cover and putting a handwritten figure on the front cover in a small form on the back cover. Surprisingly, they proposed and decided on such a cover page.


When I calm down and look at it, I am impressed by the awesomeness of their intention, and the feeling of warm happiness spreads.

The cover represents five formulas, but those formulas are new formulas that are not yet recognized in modern mathematics. Anyone above high school can understand the content, and from the beginning, the results seem to be marvelous or strange, and they will falter. I want you to take a closer look. I want you to think about it. I think that the figure firmly expresses the coming new world. You will be able to see the new era with just one cover page.

The content expresses the essence of division by zero and division by zero.

Aristotle, Euclid, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara, Euler, Newton, and Einstein have clarified the long-standing issues involved and are expressed on one cover page. It can be said that the significance and meaning are deep and enormous.

The content of the book expresses such discoveries, their subsequent progress, and their willingness to seek understanding in time, and expresses the process of new developments in world history.

The figure of the horn torus on the back cover shows the expression of the world view instead of the Riemann sphere, and expresses the situation where the zero point and the point at infinity are in contact. It represents the world of numbers and complex numbers.

It is already clear from the world history that these are discoveries in world history compared to the discoveries of non-Euclidean geometry and the heliocentric theory. A mathematician can state his or her intentions based on the truth of mathematics. It comes from the absoluteness of mathematics beyond humans. It is considered to be the will of God.

                          That's all



[a ^ n / n] _ {n = 0} = log a (a> 0) It would be strange that there is no such formula in the textbook of calculus.



The value of n = 0 of a ^ n / n (a> 0) is log a.


This comes from the idea of division by zero, which shows the importance of division by zero, not only the possible motivation for the birth of logarithmic functions, but even the discovery of differential calculus. It shows that they were supposed to be.

2021.11.24. Waking up at 4:14 in the morning, I had this feeling on my own. Of course, division by zero is possible in a natural sense. Of course.


Bright beautiful moon, high. Beautiful sky.

There is a word that one thing is everything. That is an example. I think it shows a flaw in mathematics itself.



Isn't it strange that there is no such formula in calculus textbooks? I think that it states that not only the calculus but also the basics of mathematics itself are strange.


We put the formula for division by zero mathematics on the cover of his book, but if I add, I wonder if it is in this formula.


2021.11.29.14:15 A concept springs up during the walk. I expressed the idea at once.

2021.11.29.15: 32 Already good.

2021.11.29.19: 37 2021/11/29 15:28 I happened to receive the news of the publication of the book.

2021.11.29.21:28 Good. I want to complete it on December 1st.

2021.11.29.21:48 I'm getting excited.

2021.11.30.06:14 I thought it would be okay to complete it on a beautiful sunny morning. They are true.

2021.11.30.06: 48 Completed and announced.

2021.11.30.08:25 Confirmed after publication, good.

2021.11.30.18:01 Book purchase procedure completed. Published archive papers.

2021.11.30.21:00 Confirmation is good.

2021.12.01.11:50 The weather will recover beautifully and it will be a beautiful day.

2021.12.01.15: 14 Good.

2021.12.02.21:58 Confirmed, 20 copies have been copied.

2021.12.06.06:08 Confirmed.