an infinite division by zero, a voice screaming | Institute of Reproducing Kernels

Institute of Reproducing Kernels


necromancy is the undoing of a space. it unspools itself backwards is what becomes a hole. from life is born chalk. necromancy is the assignment of a negative to a function, an infinite division by zero, a voice screaming i am here, hear me, hear me.

午前9:55 · 2021年12月2日·Twitter Web App


Database Tip A very annoying bug is getting "Division by Zero" errors when data has unexpected properties one day and your sql queries try to divide by zero. But you can easily prevent getting paged at night when you start using zero-safe divisions.  



0の除算結果を u とする話

#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numb  #numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystem

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.


Numbers - Real Number Operations





Unbearably fun math Think about dividing by 0  


(Geometric phenomenon pioneered by division by zero-an unbearably fun and novel phenomenon-from Descartes' circle theorem)
First, I would like to briefly express what kind of theorem I got. -There is a beautiful Descartes theorem that holds when four circles are in contact. It can be said that it holds even when the circle becomes a straight line or a point by using the mathematics of division by zero. -The idea that points and straight lines are special cases of circles is the motivation for discovering the theorem.
Sites that can be easily referred to because it is difficult to express figures and formulas
I would like to explain how interesting division by zero is by referring to the figures and formulas in it.
First, see the beautiful theorem called Descartes' Circle Theorem. It is a theorem that establishes the relationship between the radii of the circles that inscribe or circumscribe them when the three circles circumscribe.
The formula is beautiful, but if you notice that the four radii are completely symmetrical in the expression, you can understand the beauty even more deeply.
The idea of ​​the treatise is also valid when the three circles of the base and the foundation described in Descartes' theorem of circles are replaced with points and straight lines, recalling the mathematics that points and straight lines can be regarded as special cases of circles. I made a problem. The point is a circle with zero radius, but the fact that a straight line can also be regarded as a circle with zero radius is a discovery derived as a result of division by zero. Then, in the formula of Descartes' circle theorem, 1/0 comes out, but it is good to interpret them as zero. So, considering the case where two are circles and the other is a common tangent, it looks like Figure 1-2, but you can see that it is well established.
The theorems and facts around here are fields in which Wasan is good, and it is widely known in Wasan, including Descartes' Yen theorem. Descartes's circle theorem is even more beautiful if it holds at any time, considering all the cases where the three circles become points or straight lines. I think about all cases, but if two are circles and one is a point, there seems to be no circle tangent to them, so in that case the Cartesian circle theorem does not seem to hold.
Therefore, it does not hold for points, so I considered the case of a small circle and thought about what would happen if that circle was used as a point. Since the Cartesian circle theorem holds for any small circle, it is tempting to think about what happens when the radius of the small circle approaches zero.
In order to discuss it mathematically rigorously, I wrote three circles and an inscribed circle (circumscribed circle) properly with equations and discussed them. In modern mathematics, when a circle is used as a point, the expression of the circle has an isolated singularity, which cannot be considered. This is because the zero minute formula cannot be considered at zero. For example, in the circle equations of Theorem 7, the case of z = 1, -1 can be considered. Then, a meaningful figure comes out. Since the division by zero method can give a finite definite value at an isolated singular point, I thought about it with a singular point that was unthinkable until now. ― Infinite distance often becomes a singular point. As a result, it turned out that something amazing was happening. (The description around here is more passionate than strict expression).
From that singularity, we found that the origin of the point circle and the red and blue circles came out. It is a really interesting phenomenon that the points are divided into these three. In the case of the origin, the Descartes theorem does not hold, but in the red circle, it can be confirmed from the result of the calculation by the division by zero method that the Descartes' circle theorem holds. The blue circle is a circle placed in a beautiful situation, but it is just interpreted that the circle close to the point suddenly circumscribes the original two circles and is transformed into a circle whose diameter is just those circles. The inscribed circle is a green circle, and the Cartesian theorem holds, which is a marvelous phenomenon.
If you think that the phenomenon that the point mutates and the theorem holds as it is appears in the scene where the theorem does not hold, this phenomenon should be noted as a new phenomenon in the general phenomenon of the world. Is it not? If it does not seem to hold, there is a world in which it transforms and holds. -Some things are deformed by combustion, and some things before deformation are taken over as they are even if they are deformed. Isn't it meaningful? ― Please recall the Yamane phenomenon. -This represents a phenomenon in which when there is something with constant kinetic energy, the substance suddenly disappears, the substance disappears, and the kinetic energy changes to thermal energy.
The red circle is a circle called the Bankoff circle, which is famous in the field because it is beautiful, but it is orthogonal to the two circles, but when approaching the point, the circles were in contact with each other, but they came out. Are the circles orthogonal rather than tangent? What is really interesting is that as a typical result found by division by zero, the gradient of the y-axis is zero and tan (π / 2) = 0, so the Bankoff circle states that it touches two circles. , It can be said that it is unbearably fun. ― It is a new discovery that orthogonality can be interpreted as being in contact. The green circle is beautifully in contact with the three circles.
The treatise states that we considered all cases, so it is even deeper and more interesting because it states that Descartes' theorem holds, considering the case where three circles are three points and three straight lines. To do that, we need to think about the meaning of zero and discover what it is.

(Hereafter, next issue)


Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||






日本が世界に先駆けて 改革したい。、日本の文化貢献としたい。

日本数学界は、今こそ 世界貢献を志向しよう:




再生核研究所声明176(2014.8.9) ゼロ除算について、数学教育の変更を提案する

グーグルの検索でも膨大な情報が有るが、不適切なものが大部分で、世の教科書、学術書、研究著書など 広範な記述が 真実に反している と言える。
結論は簡明である。分数の固有の意味でも、分数、割り算の自然な拡張でも、ゼロ除算はゼロであり、非常に一般的に考えてもゼロ除算は、ゼロに限ると言う結果が得られている。 そこで、次のような理由で、速やかに数学教育を変えるべきであると考える:
1. できない、考えない と いちいち説明している現状は、煩雑、不要に数学を歪めるものであり、真理に反する。数学が 実は美しく完璧にできている真実。
2. 結果は、ゼロで割ればゼロになると教える。(声明171に有るように、教え方は小学生にも十分わかるように簡単であるー 道脇方式、― 6歳の少女も、そう発想したという)。
3. しかし、ゼロ除算の計算は、ゼロが特別な数であるから、計算は普通のように行ってはいけないと、教えた段階で念を押しておく。― どのようなことを行なってはいけないかも、実は簡単である。
4. 特に、関数 y = 1/x のグラフは、原点で ゼロである、と美しい図を書いて説明をしておけば、物理学など世界の理解に計り知れない効果が期待できる。
世界史で、天動説が地動説に代わるとき、また、非ユークリッド幾何学を受け入れるとき、無用な混乱を起こした、苦い経験を活かしたい。 以上          

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts


فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous



ゼロ除算は  解明され、 tan90° はゼロです:

#数学 #高校数学 #大学入試




#計算 #クイズ #指数




Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  








— マックス☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021







私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。
数学と人間、生命への 愛から。
新世界史を 拓くだろう。


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2


Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi


I asked what zero divided by zero is


I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)


Stardy -河野玄斗の神授業


python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zero


#0の割り算 #小学算数 #脳トレ














#スマホ学園 #布施川天馬 #ドラゴン桜







ゼロ除算は、 実は ゼロの意味 からも当たり前です:

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 

ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ゼロkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 

ー 令和革新の大義
無限の彼方に です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:
Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry - Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

C.A.M.E. #3 - What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   








素晴らしい、真面目に考えられる方 大いに歓迎です。 ゼロ除算は簡単で 新世界を拓きます。




 最後に、 数学基礎学力研究会 で、堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える 

(1)(55) で 55か月に亘って解説されたゼロ除算の解説の最終回を引用して、結語としたい:




今回で解説は最終回を迎える。先ずは サイトの管理者 山根正巳氏には深い感謝の気持ちを表したい。ゼロ除算発展の最中、詳しい解説を55カ月に亘って記録できたことは貴重なものになると考える。気合を込めて慎重に検討して解説を書いたのは 充実した人生そのものであった。より公式的なものは、再生核研究所声明や論文などで公表しているので、参考にして頂きたい。また数学の全貌は 著書に纏められ出版が予定されている。 


アリストテレス以来 ゼロ除算は 不可能であるとの永い神秘的な歴史にもかかわらず、それらの常識は間違いであり、自然な意味でゼロ除算は可能で、小学生以降の算数、数学は修正、改められるべきである。学部程度の数学は 全般的な改変が要求され、現状は数学界ばかりではなく 世界史の恥の典型的なもの と言える。これは未だ軍拡や戦闘が止まない人類の愚かさの2つの象徴として 世界史に記録されるだろう。これらは世の道理から言って 小学生でも分かる、いや小学生の方が分かり易い普遍的な事実である。

小学生以降の教科書が変わる、これほど大きな夢は 数学者にとってないのではないだろうか。

実際、天動説から地動説への変更のように世界史は変わり、我々の世界観や人生観は甚大な変化を求められている。発見者は既に新しい世界を見ているから、断言してそのように言明できる。興味も、関心もなく、意欲もなく、真実を求めようとしない人に意見を求めても 何にもならないのは 当然である。 興味、関心、愛が無ければ始まらない。 数学界には ゼロ除算は数学ではなく、変な世界の話題のように感じている人が ゼロ除算発見5周年を過ぎても多いのは、恥ずかしい世界史の事件と記録されるだろう。 ― もっとも これは我々の信頼のなさ、無能力な様も示している。

そこで、我々の文化を発展させるために広範な取り組みを行いたい。 参画できるところで、関与できる部分で いろいろなご協力、援助、参加を広くお願いしたい。 例えば、


1)          ゼロ除算の研究への参加、ゼロ除算の教育、文化活動への参加、

2)          セロ除算の理解を求めるための各種 研究会、講演会、勉強会、後援会、雑誌の投稿依頼、雑誌への投稿、いろいろな意見などの投稿など、

3)          ゼロ除算のいろいろな出版、著書の出版構想への参加、

4)          ゼロ除算の具体例の発見の 試み、それを楽しむ文化の 創造、

5)          絵画、エッセイ、デザイン、Tシャッツなどへの ゼロ除算の表現、発現、

6)          ゼロ除算を議論するサイトの創設、雑誌の創刊など、

7)          ゼロ除算研究会の創設と学会の創設など、

8)          ゼロ除算の導入による教科書改変構想の素案作りと提案構想の策定など。


いずれにせよ あらゆる機会を活かして、ゼロ除算の数学の普及と理解を求めて、広範な取り組みを歴史の要請、大義を受けて展開したい。 ゼロ除算の世界的な展開を 共に楽しみにしたい。

参加できるところでの、ご協力を大きな夢を描きながらお願いして 一連のゼロ除算解説を終えたい。





 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.

José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here:

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:

Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh



 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?).



汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。 


余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。
小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:
Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That's unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother's pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother's pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid's plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother's pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .