2018年10月23日The International Conference on Appli | Institute of Reproducing Kernels

Institute of Reproducing Kernels






\title{\bf  Announcement 454:  The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23}

\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\





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 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space based on the new concept of division by zero calculus: for the function $f(z) = 1/z$


f(0) = 0


 since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?).

In particular,  Brahmagupta defined as $0/0=0$ in Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (628), however, our world history stated that his definition $0/0=0$ is wrong over 1300 years, but, we showed that his definition is suitable.

 For the details, see the site: http://okmr.yamatoblog.net/



In the above international conference:





John Martin, Program Coordinator\\

http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/\\appliedphysics-mathematics\\Applied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018\\







we will present our results while 11:00-12:00, October 23 and we will accept all the related questions and comments while 13:00-15:00 around.


For the details, please see the below:




(If a person participates in our session around the morning and afternoon free discussions, he should pay euro 250. If the person registers in a group of 5 or more, the amount will be reduced to euro 180 per person. The morning session is very valuable and has the potential to bring change in the education system.

For one night stay on 22nd October, he needs to pay euro 150.

I hope everything is clear.

Kindly let me know if any query.










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Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and \\ open the new world since Aristoteles-Euclid: $1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.$






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For a triangle ABC with side length $a,b,c$.

We have the formula


\frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{a^2 - b^2 + c^2} = \frac{\tan B}{\tan C}.


If $ a^2 + b^2 - c^2 =0$, then $C = \pi/2$. Then,


0 =  \frac{\tan B}{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}} = \frac{\tan B}{0}.


Meanwhile, for the case


a^2 - b^2 + c^2 =0,


then $B = \pi/2$, and we have


\frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{0}= \frac{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}}{\tan C}=0.








再生核研究所声明 453 (2018.9.28): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23



発展しているゼロで割る問題、ゼロ除算については 世の理解は適当ではなく、間違えとも言える見解であふれている、また初等数学全般に基本的な欠陥があると考えられます。一般向きには

数学基礎学力研究会 サイト:

○ 堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える



今回、成田のホテルで開催される国際会議に招待を受けました。 そこで、素人向きに全体的な解説を行い (10月23日11:00-12:00)午後3時頃まで いろいろな質問にお答えしたいと思います。 そこで、この機会を活かして、ゼロ除算の驚くような世界を紹介できれば幸いです。 経費などについては責任者からのメールを下記に添付していますので、ご参考にして下さい。 尚、報道関係者は荘重な雰囲気で会議を持ちたいという気持ちに気づかって頂けるようにお願いします。場合によっては参加を拒否される可能性もあります。


The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October  22-23

John Martin, Program Coordinator

http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/appliedphysics-mathematicsApplied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018



Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

再生核研究所声明376(2017.7.31): 現代初等数学における間違いと欠落  ゼロ除算の観点から


Dear Dr Saitoh,


If a person participates in our session around the morning and afternoon free discussions, he should pay euro 250. If the person registers in a group of 5 or more, the amount will be reduced to euro 180 per person. The morning session is very valuable and has the potential to bring change in the education system.

For one night stay on 22nd October, he needs to pay euro 150.

I hope everything is clear. 

Kindly let me know if any query.




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