Hey パー

Whats up? Long timeクラッカー

晴れThese days i have passed a series of things that have made me out of my routine.叫び

And you know something thank God for that.合格

This made me think that many time we are so busyメモ in day to day that they day is not over yet, when we’re thinking that ''we will do tomorrow.'' UFOThe routine make us people lackカギ originality and that sense make us common and use it to survive and not to live.時計

ドリルI understand that there are many things to do and solve day to day, but we can not spend the day doing this and that just because they help us to ''spend'' the day走る人, because life have dimension more deepest and complex, with challenges and poleasures, we can not let that daily life steal us all those things everyday.星

ロボットThere are people who ca not distinguish between thir life, work or study that lose their sense of what is living, is good being responsability at work, school, relationship, etc., but those things must be stepsあし that brings to the project of your life and that not be just your life. チューリップ黄

ひらめき電球The routine is not in any way at odds with the sense of living.ヒマワリ

''The search for plenitude虹 is a balanceてんびん座. ¡find it¡

Take careキスマーク

God bless youuuチョキ

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