夫婦別姓? いらないです。 Couple surname? No need | すずすずちゃんねるのブログ



夫婦別姓? いらないです。


私も結婚しておりましたが、名前変っても別に困ってませんけど。 今までの生活で名前が変って困った事など一度もありませんでした。 また好きな人と同じ姓になりたいと思う人も多いと思います。その手続きすら嬉しかったという友人もいたくらいです。


というか、そういった夫婦別姓とか女系天皇の問題とかという日本の国体をどうするかという議論はまず 「憲法第九条改正」 して 「スパイ活動防止法案成立」 させて、本当に今後の日本をどうするかという、「日本を思う良心的な有識者」のみになった時に話し合う事だと思います。 




DSは夫婦別姓とか女系天皇の問題とかは日本崩壊させるための手段として使うので(他にもいろいろあるでしょう、男女平等とか女性の社会進出とか、etc.)、すべてが手段なんです。 不純な目的を達成させるための手段なのです。だから言っている事がおかしいんです。 それぞれの国の歴史や文化によってそれぞれのやり方があります。





しばらくしてできたのは団地という、今でいう2LDK位のマンションみたいなものでした。 嫁・姑の問題から解決されてありがたがっていましたが、これが世代間分断という少子化への始まりだったと思います。 


昔は子供ができた時にはおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんが家にいて見ていてくれました。 一番安心で安全で手軽で費用もかからないし、子供にも負担はかかりません。 今のようにどこかに預けなくてはいけないとか、預ける場所がないとか、むしろ今の方が大変でお金もかかるし不自然です。 




そして今夫婦別姓? 必要ありますか? どうしても嫌なら姓が変わったという届け出だけして職場では呼び名として旧姓を使ってもいいのではないですか。  


日本は天皇を中心として、一般庶民も制度で代々受け継がれてきた国です。 そういう国です。


昭和33年には他にも東京タワー(洗脳装置)が出来たりとか、美智子妃決定(神道へのキリスト教侵入)とか具現化しました。 私は当然天皇陛下万歳で、日本は天皇制が国体であり、守らなくてはいけないと思っておりますが、冷静に見ればDSの日本支配は、まず天皇家からどうしようかと思うでしょう。 










昭和25年 住宅金融公庫法 制定

昭和26年 公営住宅法 制定

昭和30年 日本住宅公団法 制定











Couple surname?  No need


I was married

But I’m not troubled in particular


There was nothing happened, such as having trouble with the past life

I also think that there are many people who want to be the same name as a favorite person


There is also a friend who was happy to procedure of change her name


It is said that

Such a couple surname, or a problem with the woman’s emperor

About the discussion of what kind of Japanese national body to do


First of all, we will revise Article 9 of the Constitution and to establish a spy activity prevention bill


And I think it would be a matter of talking when it is at the time of conscientious expert who thinks about Japan really


There are orders for things


DS uses The first name of the couple problem, and female emperor’s problem as a means to disrupt Japan

(There are many other things, Men and women equality or women’s social advance, etc.)


All are means

It is a tool to achieve impure object


So it is strange that they are saying

There are each way of each country’s history and culture


Housing was insufficient in Japan that has become a baked field after the end of the war

Why did they not built a residential family that your parents’families will live together?


After a while, it was built something that says “DANTI”


and it was like a 2LDK apartment, now saying


It was released from the problem of daughter-in-law and husband's mother

And young women wanted to thank that

But I think this was the beginning of reduction of population by disconnected in generations


In the old days, after we give birth to a child, our grandpa and grandma have taken care of our children at home


The most peace of mind, safe, easy, no expensive, no burdensome to children


There is no need to take a child somewhere like now, or there are no such struggling if there is no place to deposit somewhere


Rather,now it is difficult and it takes money and it is unnatural


In addition,even if children make a bad thing and their parents get angry but

There was a Grandpa and Grandma’s existence that will receive a whole child’s existence


So because child didn’t twist and they were grew up straight



Why another name of couple?

Do we need?


If you don't want to change your name, but you register only one time to the government office  

And in the workplace, it may good use the old last name 

Japan focuses on the Her Majesty of Emperor Family Home

General common people also have also been continuing Family Home

Japan is such a Family Home Country‎


In the other , Showa33year,

Tokyo Tower(Brainwashing device) was made and the decision of the Michiko princess(Christianity) is realized


I naturally worship the emperor

Naturally, Emperor system is a national body in Japan and

I think that Japan, we must be protected


However, if you watch cool, Japan’s control of DS will first think about the emperor system


If we think now, we were actually visible to appearance signs of DS at this time

However,there were few people who notice, and no one believes 




“DANTI” (Housing complex)


World War Ⅱ ends, it became a baked field, and houses lacked in Japan in the Showa 20years


Showa 25year Housing Finance Corporation Law  Enactment


Showa 26year Public housing method Enactment


Showa 30year Japan Housing Act Law Enactment


Now that several collective housing lined up from this time, familiar "DANTI" were built


It is different from that until then, and the place where you eat and where you sleep


It will also be released from the bride and the problem of Husband's mother


Also in the home bathroom or flush toilet,The previous lifestyle has changed modernly


And it became the status of young housewife to live there

It seems that the magnification was also high to move there



The real purpose of the war may have been this




