I brought back two surfboard from my Hawaii trip. 

Length is 9’4”.  

Width is 22 3/4”

Thickness is 3 1/16”

It is made by Surftech using Flax fiber. 

It’s more of a pig shape with the wide point back of center.  It has a really tapered out half moon tail.

Nose is quite squared off.  Can’t see it, but there’s a nice concave. 

Time to wax up !!

I didn’t have any Base Coat, so went with Tropical. 

Diagonal lines using the long edge of the wax bar. 

Then diagonal lines the opposite way. 

I tried to keep the lines tightly together. 

Then change to Cool Water wax. 

Rail to Rail. Nose to Tail. 

Then make light circle patterns first counter-clockwise, then go back clockwise. 

What do you think ?  Well, remember, most of it will get rubbed off during the first surf anyways. 

Don’t know who Wayne Rich is ? 

Do you know who Joel Tudor is ? Wayne shaped boards for Joel. 

Do you own a C.I. Log ? ( Channel Island Al Merrick brand )  C.I. rider Devon Howard worked with Wayne Rich to produce the log model for C.I.  

Next question is what fin to go with ?  Hmmmm ……