I told you many times before that Waikiki breeds champion surfers.   


If you're at Waikiki, who knows, you may run into a few.


Kaniela Stewart .  Champion Longboarder, Catamaran Captain, (  Airplane Captain ? ) 


Genki Kino, Takako and his 4 kids ( the twin infants are in the buggy )   Genki was Japan Professional Surfing Association Grand Champion.   


Livia and Kelis Kaleopa'a.   

Livia is Kaniela's mom

Livia's brother is JP.  JP is Kelis' dad. 

Livia's other son is Eala Stewart, who is professional surfer on the Northshore.  


This is how the locals stash their boards when taking a break from Hanging-Ten at Queens.  


Nestled among the Costco sponge boards and rentals may be a board that was ridden at the world championships in Malibu. 


This area is called the Hula Mound.  Good place to get off the blazing hot sand and get a good vantage point for the surf. 


Or throws you board on top of the bushes, deck down, so your wax doesn't melt off.  


The rack with the boards standing upright in the background, is the temporary one for the racks that burned down ( twice ). 

You have to be a senior citizen to apply for usage.  


Riding home from Waikiki I rode past Kakaako.  


I saw this store called Honolulu Pawn Shop. 


Went inside and to my surprise ............ another World Champion surfer from Waikiki !


Kelia Moniz.  2-time World Longboard Champion.    

Kelia's dad is Tony Moniz.  Professional Surfer, Big wave charger and owner of Faith surf school.

Kelia's brother is Seth Moniz,  current WSL CT surfer. 

Kelia calls me "uncle". 


She's got some cool items in her brand new shop.  Go check it out.  


You may know Kelia and Kelis as the Queens of Queen's surf Waikiki, but to me, they are just Princesses.  


This is the Queen of Queen's surf.  Pinoi Makalena.  

She is the daughter of Gabby Makalena, famous Waikiki Beach Boy.  

Back in the late 90's during the rebirth of longboarding, she was ruling Queens surf break on her J.Richardson longboard.

( along with Desire Desoto when she came to visit from Makaha side ) 


Waikiki breeds Champion surfers.  ( and then they give birth to future champions )