Question:  " How do I keep the nose from pearling, once I get to the nose ? "


Answer:  You need to get more AIR.  


Cross step looks good. Eyes up.  


But once she gets to "mid-point" she pauses ( which allows the wave to run up on her ) .   

Look at how much AIR ( or lack of ) is under the nose of the board.  


When she does get the confidence to go to the nose, the weight shift puts the nose under water.  


Pushing down the tail off the bottom turn. 


Past the 3/4 mark, yet still a lot of AIR under the nose.  


Un-crosses to her base stance and perches on the nose.  


Here Kassia is using some body english to stall the board and bring up the nose. 


She is not fully on the nose yet, but notice there is still plenty of AIR under the board.  


Just crossing the half way mark.  Not much AIR under the nose.  Another cross step and the nose will be buried.  

( remember the See-Saw post I made a few weeks back ? ) 


Here the surfer seems rushed.  Little bit past the half way point, but already the inside rail is almost up to the nose. 


And when he finally gets to the nose ( or in this case a few inches back ), the nose gets buried and stalls out all the momentum.  


" Well maybe I need a bigger wave or a point break wave to noseride ? " 


Here is a tiny ankle, high beach break wave in Kugenuma.  

Crossing into th 3/4 mark, still plenty of AIR under the nose.  ( and half of the board Locked down ) 


Even on this small wave, she can still hang on the nose.  


So now you understand that you need AIR under the nose before getting TO the nose. 

But how do you know how much AIR is under the nose ?  ( If you don't have someone to film you )


You have to know by FEEL.

You have to know by the angle of the board. 

Is the nose pointed straight or pointed down ?  


That takes takes time and experience to learn.  Take your time, don't rush.  


Maybe you need to go outside and get some AIR.  


Please check out Hope Cheng Photos, Eason's photography, Jeremy aerial photography and to see more.