Where you look is where YOU go.

It is so simple,  Look down, go down.  Look to the Right, go to the Right.  


His board is still going up, but he is already sighting his landing point.  


Notice his gaze is still targeting that point. 


Cutting back but his eyes are focusing on the power coming off the tail.  


Eyes still down the line where he intends to go.  


Torso / Arms twisting clockwise,  But head and eyes are isolated and is the point which the body pivots around.  


Where is she looking at ?  By looking down, it draws the head forward which hinges the body.  


Looking down to check where you feet are ?  Not good,  you need to go by feel.   Do you look at your feet walking down the sidewalk ( or maybe you stare at your smart phone ) 


Looking down doesn't allow you to stand up naturally.  It bends the back which throws off your balance.  


"Hey, Look that way, stop looking down !"   


If you want to get better at surfing, you need to look where you want to go.  I see a bright surfing future for this kid.  

( he does too.  ) 


Please check out Matsunosuke Kugenuma on FB and http://starb.on.coocan.jp/daily/daily0.html to see more.