Life Style Protect The Natural 3

I think that forest protection and afforestation are very important prerequisites if human beings want to continue their existence.

Do You know this. Trees and plants ,vast areas of forest produce fresh air and oxygen through photosynthesis. Many people leave the city on holidays to bathe in the forest. When humans breathe in fresh air,their body functions become more stable and healthy. The opposite is true for exhaust fumes and low oxygen air. Factory areas and areas near highways and wide roads have the worst conditions for exhaust fumes, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen levels. 

We should start today. Protect and increase the number of trees, plants and forests. And to create a legal mechanism to return unused land in developed areas to forest.  Furthermore, to drastically reduce their emission of exhaust gases throughout the world.

And the forest we regenerate need to be diverse. In a few decades,we can use the trees to make houses and furniture.Then we can plant trees there again. We can regain the nature we lost reap the benefits of nature from it.


Think about it. Think of a world where the lost forests have been restored, the air is free of toxins, and there are no more exhaust fumes. We are the only ones ones who can do that.

Super Big Dreams💗🌏💗