Life Style Protect The Natural 1

I put almost everything I had in the recycling. And I discarded all the rest except for one piece of clothing that I was wearing. Letting go and throwing everything away completely changed the way I think and look at things. But it was a very strong shocking on me. My favorite CD, movie DVD, team uniforms, and memorable photos. Clothes, refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine, I was left with nothing.Leaving only my brain and body. However I was convinced that the best way to practice, experience, understand, and generate ideas for real environmental protection was to own nothing, to have nothing.I believe that few people have the courage and energy to go this far, as I did. This is because it is nearly impossible to discard everything in social life. However, it is necessary to act on the ecological ideas generated from my experience. Because if we don't, the future of humanity will be many times harsher than the present.

ECOLOGY is a way of thinking that anyone can do immediately. I have shortened the distance to my office. I have shortened the distance to my office so that I can work in my room and have my office within a few minutes walking distance.This drastically reduces gasoline consumption, food costs, and expenses associated with travel. Live near your workplace.Living in a dormitory or apartment complex can be a very eco-friendly choice.

If you are going to be a real protect the natural and ecologisty , you need to live close to your school and workplaces. You need to live close to school or workplaces and minimize gasoline and energy consumption. Commuting large amouns for energy and traveling to far away places is not something to be proud of. That behavior will destroy the future of humanity the planet.

And workplaces and communities need kitchens that prepare food in a way that is healthy for people and the natural environment , and that minimizes Co2 emissions and the heat generated by cooking. We will need a kitchen that can cook large quantities of food with cooking utensils that have good thermal conductivity.

This is a simple eco-friendly thing that anyone can do. Please practice this with everyone. For the future of humanity and the earth.Today, I have sent you the first article on the theme of "Protect The Natural". See you next time.

Super Big Dreams💗🌏💗


生きることは 自然を守ること 1


Ecology (エコロジー) は、誰にでもすぐ出来ます。私は職場までの距離を短くしました。自分の部屋で仕事をし、徒歩数分のところに職場があります。私はこれにより、ガソリンの消費量や食費、移動にかかる費用を大幅に削減することが出来ました。職場近くの寮に住むこと、職場近くの集合住宅に住むことは、とても自然環境に配慮した選択だと言えます。



これは誰にでも出来る、シンプルで簡単な自然環境に優しいエコになります。ぜひ、皆さんで実践してください。人類と地球の未来のために。本日は「Protect The Natural」をテーマに第1回目の記事をお送りしました。それでは、次回もお楽しみに。