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Rugby Sitges Sunset

Sitges Sunrise and Sunset are very beautiful. SitgesのSunriseとSunsetは非常に綺麗です。 Like most people who love rugby, the Spaniards are rough and sloppy, and I love them. スペイン人は大雑把でいい加減で、ラグビーを好きな連中と同じで、私は大好きです。



It seems like there are a lot of cloudy skies in Sitges these days.

I went out to take photos this morning as usual, but it was cloudy so I couldn't see the sun.




Recently, I've been searching for past videos of beautiful sunrises and sunsets, downloading them, compositing them, and uploading them.

This time it's a young Japanese woman I photographed last December.




In recent years, I have rarely seen Japanese tourists in Barcelona. When I first came to Spain about 18 years ago, there was a line of Japanese people in front of famous boutiques in Barcelona, but these days it's mostly Chinese.ここ数年、バルセロナでもほとんど日本人旅行者を見かけることはありません。スペインに来て18年ほど前はバルセロナの有名ブティックの前には日本人の行列ができていたのですが、最近はほとんど中国人です。


Moreover, you will never meet a Japanese tourist at Sitges.



Last December, a woman was struggling to take a photo of herself and the sunset on a cliff a little far from the city center. I thought she was probably mostly Chinese, so I spoke to her in English to help her. But somehow I thought she was Japanese, and when I spoke to her in Japanese, she responded in Japanese.



I wanted her to like Sitges, so I asked her to let me take a video of her and get her permission to upload it.
