2009年 | sunny sundae smile

sunny sundae smile

"let's fall in love, it's exciting. I'm going to make your mouth a sunny sundae smile"


right now, I live in the city named Bogor, the city which well known as the 'rain city', the reason why they called so because this city has the highest rainfall in Java island.

this time, I'm not intended to tell about Bogor (though I'm thinking about it sometimes )

I'm not Bogor origin... I moved to this city in 2009. Before this, I was lived on city called Bekasi. If you say Bogor is the most closest city to Jakarta, try Bekasi. That city almost have no border with Jakarta... the vehicle has the same front alphabet with Jakarta, the youth has the same style with Jakarta 's youth, you can always go to Jakarta in a minute. And I... I spent my child, teenager age in the city which really close to Jakarta. My junior and senior high school was in Jakarta, my mother was working in the top class bank in Jakarta (she was an OL for 21 years ), and I was often go with my father to pick her up in her office, my teenager age was into Jakarta's society.

(Am I too much talking about my Jakarta living?? but I think this will help you understand my story. Okay, let's go to the main topic )

when I was a kid, I had a friend since Playgroup. A girl, and she was my neighbor. We were friend since Playgroup until junior high-school. We're not a friend anymore since then, I gotta say that I was the one who cut our friendship off.

Cruel? I am.

But I can't tell you why I cut off our friendship. Things too complicated to tell.

I have never see her again since high-school... and when I was in university, I was commuting to Bogor. Went to campus so early and got back to home on night. Never see her again.

In 2009 when I and family moved to Bogor, my parents told me that she was just gave born a baby. I'm not going to hide my age, but I was 19 years old at that time, and she is on the same age with me...

In 2009, I was in preparing myself to write my university paper, and she was just gave born. No one knows her husband, my parents said she moved to Bandung later on.

Now it's been 4 years since then... I was wondering how she has been. Does she look like modern young mother in common? Wearing those glamorous-hijab while carrying her children? As I remember, she's a glamour type of girl... does she change, now?

I guess she is now busy with her children. Meanwhile I, I guess I'm not really changing since 2009. I'm still wearing converse and jeans, even in work place. I'm so university student looked alike... lately many people think I'm 20 yo or less, and no one think I'm working, an OL like my mother--back on her young.

I'm still having fun in my youth, meanwhile she's busy with her new family.

I know it's her choice to walk her future.

It's just somehow a big ドーンin my face to realize such those things

Well, on the other side, 2009 was the year where I changed a lot. 2009 was the most precious moment in my evolution of life.
