TEXAS PANDAA LIVE! | sunny sundae smile

sunny sundae smile

"let's fall in love, it's exciting. I'm going to make your mouth a sunny sundae smile"

berikut adalah info lebih lanjut tentang gig Texas Pandaa di Indonesia

Japanese Whispers
Time 19 September · 19:00 - 21:30
Location Lembaga Indonesia Perancis
Sagan St no. 3
Djogjakarta, Indonesia
Opening Act MELLONYELLOW (shoegaze - JKT)
PARAPARANOID (indiepop - YK)
Special perform TEXAS PANDAA (shoegaze - TOKYO / JAPAN)
How to get the tix:
This is a free gig with limited invitation. You may pick the invitation at the venue (LIP Yogyakarta) starting from Monday, September 5th onwards. The LIP auditorium can accommodate up to 200 people only hence the invitation is very limited. So make haste.
For those who lives outside Yogyakarta you can pre-order the invitation by sending the following datas to our mailaddress:
1. full name
2. contact number and address as shown on your ID card
3. the number of invitation (max 3)
If we find a great interest from people outside Yogyakarta, please remember that we will probably need you (people outside YK) to transfer us a certain amount of money as bail that will be fully returned at the gig.

Gate will be closed during show. So make sure you will come in time.

Address any inquiry to:
commonpeopleyk@gmail.com or
Bandenk (085643507445)

This event/ gig is a series of Texas Pandaa Indonesia Tour 2011 which includes Bandung on September 17 also. Further info about Bandung gig will be informed separately.

Hyerperborea #2
Time 17 September
Location CCF
Jl. Purnawirawan no. 32
Bandung, Indonesia
Opening act THE MILO (shoegaze - BDG)
Special perform TEXAS PANDAA (shoegaze - TOKYO / JAPAN)
How to get the tix:
this event is different from Jogja gig, no invitation. ticketing. you can get the ticket only with IDR 20K. will inform you later about ticketing.

you can contact uyawaluya or FFWD_record on twitter.