Today. I would like to introduce car accident of the bus in Australia. I had stayed in Australia for two and half years. For the first half year, I lived with my wife the hotel which is far from English language school. After she got pregnant, she came back to Japan though.


I had stayed in the hotel two months after she came back here. By the way, I went to the English language school with my wife for the first 15weeks. It takes about one hour by bus from the hotel to the school and university.


Therefore I used the bus for the school. However, I used the bus for only eight months. This is because I moved into the house near to the school. During this period, I faced with car accident three times. First one is that the bus crashed into the front car which looks new car.


After that, the police car came there. Second one is that one bad guy threw the stone to the window which is a bit back place of me. It is really dangerous. After that. The other bus came to there and all passengers changed the bus.


Third one is that the bus driver stopped suddenly. After that, some passengers were thrown into the front place. One of them are old lady who was also thrown into the front place. Then she could not move at all.


Then she seems to wear the sunglasses because of heavy ultraviolet in Australia. Her sunglasses was broken and the blood was flowing from her face. However, she could not move at all. After that, the ambulance came to there but she could not move at all.


Then most of passengers including me changed the bus so that I do not know her condition. I hope she complete recover from the damage not after effect.
