Today, I would like to introduce a bit dangerous experience in Thailand. As I said it many times that I like Thailand the best. However, I faced with some dangerous experiences there. I would like to introduce one in some.


When I went out from hotel, one taxi driver asked me to get on there. Usually, I refuse it. However, I accept his offer. This is because I almost finished to prepare final exam that is coming soon after I went back to Australia. Also he said that he would bring me to some tourist places around there with only 120yen.


By the way, this type of taxi is TUKUTUKU that has three tires. ⇒ In that time, I watched video so please watch it, ⇒ I said it comfortable. But, honestly, I did not feel it comfortable.

ところで、このタクシーは一般的なタクシーではなくTUKUTUKUと言われる3輪のタクシーです。その動画を紹介します。  また、私が乗った時に残した動画もありますので短いですが一番下に紹介しておきます。動画の中で気を使って快適だといっていますが、正直煙たいし不安定だし快適ではありませんでした。

I think that the driver was waiting me to get on his taxi. So I was his victim. I got on his taxi and his taxi started to run the wide street even unbalance. Actually, I did not know where we were in. After ten minutes we arrived at one company.


He brought me to the company. I sat down chair of counter table. One office appeared and sat down in front of me. She looks just bad person and has big tattoo. Actually, I do not know why many persons around me in other countries had big tattoo.


The drive also sat down beside me. She explains me about one travel tour so that this company was travel agency. However, this office had only small counter table and some chairs. I thought this is not ordinal office.


After she finished to explain travel tour to me, I of course refused it. She said this is only 3000yen. Actually, I thought 3000yen was not expensive for this travel tour. However, I did not feel good. After I refused it, her behavior changed a little and the taxi driver’s behavior also changed.


She stared at me and the driver started to shake his foot. He stepped on the floor strongly. I said this is too expensive. Then she said she discount for about 2500yen. Then I refused it and said it expensive. She asked me how much I want.


I said 1500yen is better. She said she could and I should join this tour with 1500yen. However, I did not like this method by taxi driver. So that I refused it and said that I originally did not have a plan to join travel tour so I do not want join it.


These conversations continued a little bit long time. As a result, the taxi driver gave up. I got on his taxi again and order to come back to the hotel. I could go back to the hotel and paid only 120yen to driver. This driver appeared in front of the hotel after that. However, he did not say anything to me only looked at me. This is my interesting experience in Thailand. I faced with other a bit dangerous experience in Vietnam and Indonesia so I will introduce these experiences in the near future.
