Good morning. I'm Yuru-mama.


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Today I will tell you something important through my childhood experience.

I was very fat when I was a kid.

There was always something to eat in my house. 

When I came back from school, I ate as much snacks and ice cream as I wanted.
My dad died when I was in elementary school, and that year I gained 10 kg in a summer due to intense stress.

I decided to go on a diet in the summer of 15 years old, stopped eating sweets and took a walk with my dog ​​for exercise.
With that alone, I succeeded in losing 10 kg!

From this experience, I became interested in various health methods.
I have tried various diets and health methods so far.

For example, protein diet, apple diet, low GI diet.
In some cases, I took a large amount of it in anticipation of the effects of soy milk, natto, and health foods.
While it had the effect of temporarily losing weight, it wasn't so if I was in good physical condition.

I often had diarrhea and constipation.

I was ignoring whether it suits my constitution.
I also ignored signs from my body such as constipation and diarrhea.

That's not the case with the “food doctor mom” I'm learning now.

Food doctor moms start by knowing our own constitution.
Then think about how to approach with food.

Instead of relying on something, we should believe the voice of our own body.

Is the health method you are doing really right for you?

Constipation, frequency of urine, awakening when waking up in the morning, skin condition, daily emotions

If you feel comfortable with these, it's the OK sign.

If you feel uncomfortablewith these,it's the sign of NG.




Don't miss the signs on your body and incorporate the ones that suit you.

Thank you for reading until the end.

Have a nice day.