Good morning. I'm Yuru-mama.


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Do you have any concerns about your child's diet?

Recently, I often hear stories like this.

 Children do not eat vegetables.

 Eat only sweets without eating rice.

 Children have an unbalanced diet.

There is something I want you to know.

If you think your child won't eat, go back to the previous stage! 

For example,

Soften the hardness of rice and vegetables a little, crush well, and peel to improve texture of these.

Even after they can hold a spoon or fork, make it as small and easy to grasp as when they were eating it by hand.

Grab meal on hand now?Chop it smaller now? Peel? Grind? 

You might think that way, but it's unexpectedly effective.

Children don't hate the taste itself.

It's not that mom's meal isn't delicious.

They don't hate vegetables.

They’re very honest about the discomfort such as smell, texture, difficulty in eating, and color.

Going back is not a bad thing.

Take a step back and see what happens, and if that doesn't work, try another method!

During children, Interested in eating and remember the fun for eating is very important.

Focus on what your child wants, rather than forcing them to eat. It's just like an experiment.

It's important for moms to have fun.

Thank you for reading to the end. 

Have a good day today!!