The third album of the Japanese singer & song writer unit “KAMIMUSUHI” is released today, on the day of summer solistice. “KAMIMUSUHI” means the ones who join the divines and the Mother Earth together.

The third album is named “AMEMUSUBI” which could be translated as blessing of rain water, or in another translation, uniting with the divines. Japanese is very interesting language, you can gain inspirations from the word “AME” in many ways.

I don’t have this new CD just yet, but I already know this is going to be one of my favorite albums of all time, as I joined the concert of the unit “KAMIMUSUHI” online on June 19th, 2023. I loved all their songs, but I must say the song “Amatsu Kami e” was my very best favorite.

The forth song on this YouTube clip!

I hope this album to spread the joy all over the world, as the songs are so beautiful. You will feel fulfilled and complete after listening to this album for sure!