My mind is really simple.

I can only focus on one thing.

But sometimes I think too much on that thing.

Today was one of those days.

While doing JLPT, I ended up thinking about other things and not concentrating.

Luckily the paper was easy.

I think I haven't matured yet. In terms of communication between people and human relationships, I'm really bad at it.

I still can't handle unpredictable people. But truth is, everyone is unpredictable to an extent.

I really need to not think too much and let it go naturally.

And also, be honest with myself. That's really important.

I hope I can find the courage to think for myself and not always trying to please others, and end up getting myself hurt.

Maybe I'm thinking too much about what others think.

I think I really need to let go, and just go with the flow and what I really feel.

I wouldn't know what I'd feel in a certain situation if it hasn't happened, so there's no point thinking about it.

Focus on the necessary things.

Right now it's exams and studies.

Don't think about unnecessary stuff and end up destroying what you truly want.

Sorry for the rant.

I just need a place to write out my true feelings so I can really let it all go.

I really love this blog.
