A miracle happened.

Last week was so good to me.

Especially Sunday.

I didn't expect so many good things to happen to me in one day.

I really want to cry of happiness.

I'm just really thankful, even now.

I felt like I went to Japan yesterday.

Remember when I said I couldn't go see Kishio Daisuke-san (岸尾だいすけ)?

On Saturday night, I was reading fan reports of people who got to see him, and some even got an autograph and took a photo with him. I was so envious, but at the same time I felt so happy for them! I kept imagining that if I got to take a photo with him, and just meet him, and I started grinning and giggling and everything. XD Anyways you don't wanna see me in that way. I looked too happy, and too creepy... ^^;

And then I stumbled on a webpage that I've never seen before on the official AFA page.

And... on that page, there was the schedule of HoriPro (Kishio Daisuke's company) for Saturday and Sunday.



You probably don't want to imagine how happy I am. I looked so weird. XDD Because I was just seriously too happy. Too happy. Almost to the point of tears.


I was planning to meet my friends on Sunday at AFA at 1pm.

The autograph session was at 1pm.

Which do I choose?

I had to decide... Can I be selfish for a bit? Is it okay? I know if I don't go I will surely regret.

So I decided to meet my friends later.

I went to the HoriPro booth.
They said if you buy $30 worth of his goods, you get a ticket for autograph and handshaking.

I looked around. There was a towel of his, it had a super cute picture of him. XD It was $30. So I bought that towel.

And I got a ticket!!!!!

When Kishio-san appeared, he didn't just speak, he even got to perform!!! Thank you, Kishio-san!!! You are forever awesome! XDD

I'm so glad they invited him because he's one of the voice actors who has an awesome sense of humor and can really get everyone laughing in seconds. He made me laugh quite a lot. Though I think very few really understood what he was saying. Most of his jokes can't be translated too... ^^;

And then the autograph session. I got to shake his hand and get his autograph!!!! Can I cry right now????

I am really happy to be able to shake his hand and just get so close to him.

It just feels like a dream.

This sounds creepy but his hand was really nice and warm.

I'm sorry for the creepiness...

Don't worry, I'm not the kind to not wash my hand for a week or something. XD

But the autograph is forever my treasure.

Thank you, AFA, for bringing him.

Please bring him back again and invite more voice actors here!!!!

I did not expect to get so much yesterday. I'm just really thankful.

Also, Sphere's live dubbing and concert was really awesome too! They are an amazing group!! They are so cute!!! I screamed like mad for them among all those guys around me! XD Not gonna lose to them! XDD

With this wonderful memory, I will do my best for exams.
