I passed the driving test!! ^^

First time!!

I can't believe it!

This is a miracle!!

Even now, I still find it really amazing...

I passed it yesterday.

I looked calm in public, but when I reached home, I was screaming and jumping in joy.

I was close to crying.

This is the thing I have been the most afraid of.

This is the thing that I have no confidence of at all.

This is also the only thing I have not told almost anyone about. This is the one thing I did by myself without telling anyone. I didn't want much support because it'll result in pressure to pass. I wanted to go at my own pace without anyone telling me anything.

I did it.

And then recently, all the instructors have been so nice. They told me I was okay. I was alright. They kept praising me. They gave me confidence.

And the tester!! He was really nice! I felt really calm. We had a nice conversation during the test. He chatted with me while I drove. I felt really natural, and I felt really relaxed.

Thank you to all the instructors and the tester!!

Thank you to this blog and the readers! ^^ For giving me a place to vent my feelings and for me to make new friends!

Thank you to the friends who cheered for me! Thank you also to all my friends who did not mention driving to me at all, so I won't be stressed. XD

Thank you to the sky for giving me a good weather during the test! Thank you for raining beforehand so that there will be less people outdoors and also less cars, and so it was a smooth journey!!

Thank you, definitely, to Fukuyama Jun! I definitely want to thank him once I passed, because he's the one that make me think of taking up driving again. He gave me courage and motivation without even knowing it. So thank you. ^^ I didn't lose to you! I took 3 years to get my driving license!!

Thank you to my parents who did not pressurize me into taking up driving again. They didn't even know I was taking driving lessons and I had the test yesterday afternoon. I kept it from them as a secret and I wanted to surprise them with my result.

I'm so glad I passed, because last night I showed them the certificate and they couldn't believe their eyes. XDD They were so happy, and my mum was even crying a bit. I also cried a bit. XDD They didn't know at all, and they were still thinking of when I should start driving. And then suddenly I just showed them the result. :)

Yay!! The surprise was a success!!! 大成功!チョキ

Yesterday was a great day for me and my parents. :)

Of course, this is just the start. After the test, the real practice of driving comes. I need to continue doing my best to become a better driver. I can't believe this journey, from me fearing and hating driving like it's the worst thing in life, to becoming interested and a bit more confident in driving.




