
I'm awake so early. It's 6am in Singapore. XD

Lately many good things happened to me.

For the internship, I passed the interview!!! I couldn't believe it. I was so happy!! :)

I went for driving revision yesterday. The driving instructor was really nice and gave lots of tips!! ^^ Next training is Friday! I hope I can pass the test in November.

Anime Festival Asia (AFA) is coming to Singapore in November!! I've never been to it before, but this year I will go for the first time. Because the voice actress unit スフィア will be coming. I don't know much about it, but I really like 高垣彩陽、so I bought the front tickets just for that. And I think there are less international fans for voice actors than for idols and singers, so I want to tell them that they have fans here in Singapore too!! (and please come back next year! XD And bring more voice actors!!)

Of course I'll also enjoy the other performances.
Yesterday I learned the names of the other members of スフィア。They are all really cute!! I hope to have a great time there! It's my first time going to a concert.

Alright, time for school!
