Wow, I haven't blogged for a while.

Last week was kinda depressing.

I went for choir audition.

I've joined choir since elementary school. I love singing a lot. But recently I didn't join choir for a while.

Now I can't sing like before. Before I can't sing that well either, but at least I passed all the auditions.

When my voice came out, it was a shock. Ahh, I can't sing anymore.

As expected, I didn't get in.


For the entire week I was kinda depressed. I really wanted to be in choir.
Ahhh. I had a bit of trauma and didn't really dare to sing any songs at home last week.

But now, I'm all cheered up again! Can't be down forever. Need to continue with life despite failure! I felt disappointed with myself that I got that depressed. That means I haven't grown up or changed at all. I need to learn to move on and stand up from failure. I'm singing again, at home with no one around. XD It's fun, even though I suck at singing. XDD

I need to learn to find the good things in something that seems bad.

I need to think positive!

But I think, crying really helps. Like if something bad happens, it's best to cry it all out, and then after that I'll feel more relieved. :)

Besides this, last week I had my birthday. Thank you to everyone who wished me. ニコニコ


This week, I made several decisions. One was that I finally decided to buy Kamiya Hiroshi's new single, "Such a Beautiful Affair". Even though I've not even heard the song, I want to buy it. I was thinking I shouldn't use so much money since I haven't even started working, and I kept thinking maybe I shouldn't buy. But I looked at it every day, and finally decided to buy.

I want to support him!! ^^ At the same time, I think he can become my support and motivation greatly. When I was depressed last week, I kept listening to his songs. His voice really is calming.

I also decided to register for JLPT N-5. The Japanese proficiency exam. Even though I'm not sure if I'll be using Japanese in future for work or anything (I do hope I can though), I really want to keep learning Japanese. My aim is to take all the levels of JLPT and master this language!!

There's still a long way though... ^^; 頑張ります。

I'll study hard for N-5! This weekend I think I'll go buy some practice questions! When it comes to studying Japanese, it's not tiring. I'm having fun. Hehe.

From this week on I will become really busy. School is getting really tough. I'll do my best in everything I can. School isn't really fun, I'm not really happy to go to school these days. But I think these are challenges I'll have to overcome. I can't keep running away. I can't always be scared. I need to face whatever fears there are. I need to accept and embrace life.

If anything happens, this blog will be my relief. A place to calm myself down.

Well then, see you again~ Now, back to studying. 本