Ah, I finished it.チョキ

It was amazing. From start to end. A lot of people seem to be disappointed at the ending, but I was satisfied.

I think it really suits the anime.

Overall, it was a great trip. I enjoyed this journey a lot. I hope to see a season 2 one day, but if there isn't one, I'm still satisfied with just this.

The art is really amazing. When I first saw it, I fell in love with the art. So simple, yet so beautiful. Very elegant art.

The plot is wonderful. There were so many plot twists, and so many things that made me shocked and gawking and saying "Sugoi!". There were so many things that were so unexpected.

And then at the end, it was so frustrating and depressing, but finally, it gave a satisfying closure.

Watching this anime made me think a lot, especially during the later parts. Sometimes it made me depressed too. But it was a great experience.

My favorite scene was when Mikado messaged all the Dollars members at their first meeting. I like how everyone was colorless at the start, and when the message came in, more and more people become colored. It made me touched a bit.

I don't think the anime gave everything, so I really want to read the light novels to find out more. I didn't get a chance to buy them today, I'll try to find them tomorrow.

The characters. This is gonna be long. I'll talk a bit about some of the characters.

Mikado. At first I was kinda neutral towards him. Halfway through I find him quite useless, just like a normal human being, an average person with no powers and no courage. I was kinda surprised that he was the boss of Dollars, and I don't know why I felt a bit disappointed. He said he hated routine, and wanted to change things. Maybe at first I felt, that he's similar to me. But when he says he wants to change, I felt a bit betrayed, I guess. "Ahh, he went off to the other side," I thought. He's not some average human anymore. Well, I guess that's always the role of a main character. At the end, I find him cute. Right at the end, I see a boy bump into him and he acts like Mikado in the first episode, I had a nostalgic feeling too. Wow, I didn't even know this journey lasted so long. I felt like a veteran too, when I finished the anime. I guess I'm always looking at the story through Mikado's eyes. Even if sometimes the point of view isn't him.

Anri. She's cute. I've always thought she's cute. I find her really cool when she turns out to be Saika. Out of these 3 main characters, Mikado, Anri and Kida, I like Anri the most. I also like how she's the first to say that she doesn't want to run away anymore, while the other 2 guys actually just hide and run cowardly. I think Anri has tried hard enough, and she's already really strong.

Kida. Huh. Him. I don't like him. Even after the whole anime ended, I still don't really like him. XD I find him really fake, like you can't really tell what is the true him. I don't like a person like him. He's very unpredictable, and I get scared. And then in the later episodes, he turns all cowardly. And then I just keep yelling at him in my head, "Baka Kida. Kida you are a baka." But then he still kept running away. And I continued yelling.

Izaya. Ah, I like this guy. It's like, no matter how despicable he becomes, I still like him. It's just interesting to see what he'll do. He's different from Kida, sure he's unpredictable. But I can predict that he's unpredictable. And then I predict to be surprised. And then I anticipate what crazy thing he'll pull next. I don't think he's let me down yet. Everything he does makes me smile. Izaya, I wonder what happens next.

Shizuo. I'm sorry to all yaoi fangirls, and to the girl in the last episode who said the No. 1 couple must be Shizuo and Izaya. I simply cannot imagine Izaya and Shizuo in a romantic relationship. I cannot see them loving each other. Just the thought of them loving each other a single bit disgusts me. Makes me wanna puke. Really. Sometimes I do read yaoi, but I never get this disgusted with a fan pairing. I even saw some fanart with them kissing/hugging/happy together, and all I see is, "So out-of-character". And I get disgusted. I don't know why. It's the first time this happens. It's the first time I have such a strong feeling against this. I'm sorry.

And about Shizuo. I like Shizuo. He's a very righteous person. I really like his personality. I like how he angers easily. I think it'd be cool to be friends with Shizuo. If I feel irritated, I can just go see Shizuo beat some people up, and then I'll feel relieved. XD I can understand how Shizuo really hates violence even though he's violent himself. It's not really contradictory.

Celty. I really really really like Celty. She's so different from what I imagined her to be. I thought she'd be very cold and ruthless. But she's not. She's the one person I really want as a friend. I think anyone who's friends with her is lucky. She can listen to you and talk to you and you'll feel all happy and relieved after that. And if you're in danger, she's able to protect you. Ahhh.... Shinra is so lucky... Celty is so cute~

Shinra. Haha, I think I like so many characters in this anime. I like Shinra too. He's the character that's not double-sided at all. When I see Shinra, I see a patient and friendly guy. Right from the start, I trusted him. I don't believe he'll do anything bad. Even if the anime portrays that he's hiding something, I still trust him. I still think, "He probably has reasons for it. I trust Shinra completely. He wouldn't do anything too bad." And it really is so. No matter what happens, I think I can trust Shinra. I want to be friends with him too.

I like the others too, Dotachin, Simon, even Namie. I don't really like Seiji, he seems too obsessed with some fairytale love, and with Celty's head. He's scary. And Mika too. She's kinda creepy, being a stalker and all. Well, I guess they suit only each other.

Well, overall, this whole anime makes me want to befriend everyone! Except Kida. XDD Sorry, Kida. I do like your voice actor though. And your looks.

After watching all the anime, I still don't understand why there are so many Izaya-death fics out there. It seems that it's either romance fics or deathfics. Why? I don't see Izaya as suicidal/angsty at all. I don't see why so many people think that if Izaya meets misfortune he'll surely die. I don't see why. I don't understand why.

Maybe I need to read the light novels to know more about him.

I'll buy tomorrow.

Alright, what to watch next?