Recently, I started watching Durarara!!

It's very interesting!

It's still pretty confusing now though...

But I'm still quite interested in it!

I will continue watching!チョキ

Ehhh... who is my favorite character as of now?
...I've only watched 4 episodes though...

Ehhh... it's Shinra, I guess. NO, it is not because Junjun voices him. もーーー No. I know it seems like it, but no. It is his personality that I like. (It's the same with Yukio. Again, it just happens to be Junjun's voice. I know this doesn't sound convincing........hai.....)

Shinra seems like a nice character. Sometimes there are characters who are nice like him but are double-sided. But I think Shinra doesn't have a double side. At least that's what I feel now. I think he's the straightforward and friendly type. And 4 episodes and I already support him and Celty. I think this kind of guy like him, is pretty good. XDD

I also like Celty! She has a nice voice~ラブラブ! And she's cool! And she's not human! Wow!! XDD

As for the other characters... Hmm... Mikado is pretty okay... kinda cute. XD Anri is really cute! Ehhh, Kida... I think many animes will always have such a character, the flirty but unsuccessful type, but still optimistic and over-confident. XDD Well, he's not really my type. XD

Huh... Izaya... is interesting. He's super mysterious, and really I can't tell what he's thinking. Is it me or does Kamiya-san always voice characters like this? I think Izaya is kinda creepy. But I still like him. But if I ever met him, I want to say "You're creepy" in front of him. XD I dunno why. That's impossible though.

Shizuo is...hmm... I still don't know what his personality is like. The only thing I know now is that he hates Izaya. But....maybe this is the wonderful rivalry relationship? XDD The "we hate each other but there is actually friendship born from fighting" kind of relationship? XDD

Oookay... I don't need to search for fanfics to guess that the majority of fanfics are probably...yaoi... and the pairing is probably. Ahem. Yeah. I have a feeling this may be it.

This is a great anime, I want to keep watching! The art is amazing too!! I really like how the eyes are drawn. The guys look cool and the girls look really pretty! Simple and sweet.ニコニコ




P.S. If my Japanese is wrong, please correct me!!ニコニコ