
Today I wasn't nervous at all. I was really calm right from the start. I don't know why, but somehow, I didn't feel scared at all.

I was all, "I don't care what is gonna happen, I'm gonna face it! Come on, challenges!!" XDD

And then I was really steady today. It felt really good driving today. The instructor today was really nice and patient too. Again, I learnt a lot. Today felt really smooth, and when he praised me occasionally, I told myself to not get too happy and continue to focus.

One of the problems with me, is that, whenever someone praises me, I get too happy and then I start becoming careless. Today I repeatedly told myself not to get too arrogant, and keep focusing.

And it went really well. It didn't even feel like 1.5 hr went by. I actually felt like a driver, and driving became fun. ニコニコ

Of course I must keep practicing so I don't lose this pace. There are also some things I still must work on.

But today my instructor made me really happy. He said I could start booking my driving test. That means he thinks I'm ready for it. Though the test is still like, 2 months away, but at least this is a start.にひひ

At the end of today's lesson, he even praised me a bit. He said my pedestrian crossing checking was good, and my blind spot checking was good too. And he said I have a good sense of judgment. Wow. I did not expect that. That's really important for drivers. It made me really happy. ^^

And he said my driving is not bad. Wow~ >///<

Thank you, instructor!!!! I learnt a lot, and he gave many useful tips too. Thank you!!

Tomorrow, I hope I can maintain this, and also improve on the parts I'm still not good at. 頑張ります!グー
