Note: These are my own opinions, please don't take offence. ^^

I really like shounen manga nowadays. I just feel like reading/watching action and more action and everything. I just want to see everything in a turmoil and the main character surviving that turmoil and all that.

Recently I watched, and read Ao no Exorcist.

It's really an anime I like. I think it's gotten into my favorites. I hope to see a second season, and will be following the manga.

I read many shounen manga, usually the popular ones, so sometimes I get tired of reading them because most shounen manga have almost similar plot or similar character types. Since the start of Ao no Exorcist I've started to stereotype it. Like, when Yukio first arrived, I thought, "Ha, he's probably this kind of guy. It's always like that."

But no, Ao no Exorcist is unpredictable. Right from the start. And that's what I really like.

Ahhh, before that... WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD

What I really like from the first few episodes is that, when Rin finds out that Shiro has died, he cried, but he didn't shout out "father", instead he said it very softly. That's what I really liked. I've seen stories that always do such thing. Like when someone died, the character will just shout out his name that echoes somewhere and then they change the scene to the sky or something with birds flying or something. XD

But when Rin just said "father" softly, it makes me want to cry even more. I think this part is really realistic. Normally I think people will do this, rather than the shouting.

Then Yukio enters. When he first appeared, and I find out he's the human brother of Rin. I start thinking, "Ah, he's probably that kind of character." The kind of character that always appear as a side character. He's probably cool and smart and popular and always better than Rin, and as a human he probably hates Rin and wants to kill him secretly and avenge his father and all that.

But no, again. Yukio did not hate Rin. Instead Yukio wants to protect Rin. He keeps thinking about Rin and always does everything to help Rin. I really like Yukio. Usually I dislike characters who are cool and aloof, but Yukio is cool but not aloof. XD He's constantly worrying about his brother, and wants to be stronger for him. I really like this sibling love between Yukio and Rin, but somehow right now it seems to be one-sided. It's probably like, the more you worry and nag at a person, the more the person wants to get away from you. Like you know, a mother and a child. The child will find the mother annoying when the mother keeps asking him questions and keep telling him what not to do.

I find many similarities between myself and Yukio, so that's why I really like him. Right now I still don't know what Rin thinks of Yukio. There was a scene in the manga that bothered me. It was a part where Rin thinks about those important to him, that they all trusted him, and in his thoughts there were his friends and Shura and Kuro, but there was no Yukio.

When I saw that, I kinda felt hurt for Yukio. Then I thought, ahh, the brothers need to have a long talk one day. Does Rin think Yukio doesn't trust him? And does Yukio not become a part of Rin's strength? What does Rin think about Yukio? I still can't tell. I can't understand Rin at all. He's the most unpredictable character in the whole series. When I think he'll break, he gets up and smiles. When I think he'll get stronger, he falls down and breaks. When I think he'll get mad, instead he gets amazed. When I think he'll be amazed, instead he gets mad. XD No wonder Yukio was constantly worrying about him. I'd be too, if he's my brother. XD Whether older or not.

I think it's inevitable that Yukio will get possessed by Satan, even in the manga. Maybe by the end. Or rather, I just want an arc that something happens to Yukio, and Rin realizes the importance of his brother. I just hope they two have more interaction, because they're brothers after all. They're going to rely on each other one day. Rin's always straightforward and says what's on his mind, but he doesn't say much about Yukio at all.

Or it could be, that Rin doesn't worry about Yukio because he trusts Yukio to handle everything. So, maybe Yukio's constant worrying means that he does not trust Rin?

Thinking too much is not good.にひひ Especially when this is a fictional story.

But really, I love this plot and the characters. All the characters. I can't actually choose a favorite between Rin, Yukio and Kuro. XDD And the other characters too, are all really unpredictable, but since this is already very long, I think I'll stop here and talk about the other characters next time.チョキ

I really like watching anime and reading manga, so expect more of such rants to appear for other anime/manga. XD