

When he came, I was like, "Yabai". XD




When he saw me, he said, "I've seen you before," and I thought, "Yabai, he still remembers me." ><

Even he could tell I was nervous. He said my hands were shaking, so he didn't really dare disturb me at the start.

But, today was good.ニコニコ

I felt I could control the vehicle much better this time. I felt steady and I didn't veer that much off-course. I could turn much better than the previous lesson. And as always, I learnt a lot.チョキ



I remember, one year ago, I was scared throughout the lesson, and I kept thinking, "Don't speak, don't point out my mistakes, etc." Because I was afraid of making mistakes, I was afraid of people criticising me.

But today, I kept thinking, "Say something. I want to learn more. Point out my mistakes so I can do it better next time." If I fail, I want to try again and again. I don't want to give up.

I guess I've changed at least a bit. I'm glad.

Today, I kept on smiling. I got a bit of compliments from my instructor too. More importantly, I paid attention to what I did wrong, and I tried to learn from it. Thankfully, he was patient and nice.

Next time, I'll try to control my speed a bit more, and also be able to observe the hazards in front and react quickly to them.



