♪ American Woman ♪ | すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba


Guys!!! I went to NYC for a few days!




We had such an amazing time, all thanks to the incredible Tiffany&Co team!



Breakfast at Tiffany's 💍  It was so surreal, and so beautiful.




The most stunning matching cuffs, inspired by the Japanese art form of "Ukiyo-e". I fell in love with these the second I laid eyes on them.



And the gorgeous designer of the jewelry, Francesca Amfitheatrof. She's legit too beautiful to stand next to, believe me あせる


今回のブルーブックコレクションでのファインジュエリー。キラキラが半端ない!!いつか… ✨✨✨

Some of the fine jewelry pieces from the Blue Book Collection this year. So shiny, and so glam!! One day...



At the ABC Kitchen, Tiffany Blue Book Party, where I got to shoot with Jessica Craig-Martin! We got some really awesome portraits too!! !!ドンッ


ヴァンサンカンの編集長、十河ひろ美さんとお話もして、本当に楽しい時間でした!パーティーのゲストで他に、女優のアンバー・ハード (ジョニー・デップの奥さん)、オリビア・ワイルド、そして私の大大大好きな女優さん、リース・ウィザースプーンともちょこっと話せて、幸せすぎな時でした星流れ星

Chatted it up with Editor-in-chief of 25ans magazine afterwards!
Other guests at the party included the gorgeous actresses Amber Heard, Olivia Wilde, and one of my favorite actresses of all time, Reese Witherspoon!!! I still can't even believe that I spoke to her, thanks to my mom who basically pushed me over to say hi, cuz I was so star struck. カクテルグラス



ママもずっと一緒に居てくれて、ティファニーとの素敵な時間を過ごせて、本当に嬉しかった!いつもありがとう、マミー! そしてティファニーの皆様、本当にありがとうございましたラブラブ

My beautiful mother was with me the whole time whilst exploring the world of Tiffany in New York! We had such a wonderful time together, and with the incredible people at Tiffany! Thank you Momma!! And thank you so much to the Tiffany team!!! ❤️



So on top of getting to spend time with the amazing Tiffany family, we went to meet with the creators and cast of "Jersey Boys" on Broadway! Richard Hester, supervisor to the show, was such a welcoming host, and great interviewee as well!


On the Jersey stage with Quinn who portrayed Bob Gaudio! He was much too sweet and kind, my mom and I were crushing hard!!!



With the cast members and Scott and Richard from the creative team! They let me do a little mock audition for them, where I sang and danced a bit, and boy was I nervous... But it was unreal!


ジャージーボーイズの番組はテレビ朝日で6月の中旬に放送する予定です( ´ ▽ ` )ノ お楽しみに~☺️✨

The TV program that we filmed for with the Jersey Boys crew will be aired on TV Asahi, mid-June! Be sure to tune in!!!

いつか本当にブロードウェイの舞台に立てるのかな… 音譜アップ 頑張るぞーーー!!!

Gotta get up on that Broadway stage one day!!! Dream big!


Sumire 🌺🌺🌺