☆ ヘラクレス in Japan!!!! ☆ | すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba


O.M.G. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Brett Ratner... I had the privilege of meeting these WONDERFUL people last night at the Hercules Japan Premiere!!! You all GOTTA see this incredible movie!!! アップ恋の矢

凄すぎてヤバイ!ドゥウェン "ザ・ロック" ジョンソンさんとブレット・ラトナーさん…作夜は新しい映画、「ヘラクレス」のジャパンプレミアで、この素晴らしい方々にお会い出来て本当に光栄です。皆も本当にこの凄すぎる映画は見るべきだよ!!!*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


As I had anticipated that Dwayne would be one of the nicest people ever, I was even more surprised to find out he was the nicest, funniest, sweetest, most kind-hearted person EVER. 虹キラキラ



Though his character in the movie was a fierce, ravaging, strong, god-like creature, Dwayne also portrayed such delicacy and compassion through the role as well.



Towards the end of the event, Keiji Muto San came out in the Hercules costume and looked amazing!!! He was so warm and kind as well, and spoke a little English too! Flashing Elbow! People's Elbow!! 雷メラメラドンッ





As for the look for the night, we tried to go with the atmosphere of the film, and went for the Greek goddess feel. In fact, the dress itself was an original that my stylist actually made for me on less than a week!!! And all of the shiny jewelry's from Swarovski! My hair was braided and tucked in the back, and my make-up was a little more glamorous for the event too!! ✨❤️



One of my best friends is a HUGE fan of The Rock, and she had asked me to send her a picture, and then she sent me this... Lol

実は、大親友の子が ザ・ロック様 の大ファンで、写真を送ってって言われたら、これを送って来ました…(^◇^;) 笑


Gonna start shooting our monthly NHK World TV: Choice of the Week segment soon! For those of you who live here in Japan, go to http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ or download the app to watch! If you live outside of Japan, make sure to watch to get a glimpse of what Japan really is about!

今から毎月撮っている NHK World TV: Choice of the Week の収録をしてきます!日本の方は、http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ でも見れますし、アプリをダウンロードすれば見れます!国外の方は日本の事を学ぶ為に是非見てみて下さい!

Hope you guys have a sunshiny day! 晴れ


