こんばんわ 🌜

お疲れ様でした! よく頑張ったね٩(๑òωó๑)۶

今日はすごく疲れました (。º̩̩́⌓º̩̩̀).゜

hahahaha,what about my 日本語 ? This past month i learn lil bit and managed to learn few kanji hehe hehe hehe 照れ even my grammar and the others still sucks but i already can read few words it makes me happy (。ˇ艸ˇ)

But today is super tired day あせる叫び
Almost whole day i didnt eat thankfully i bring some snack もぐもぐ ugh,still work hard without eating lunch its very tiring ショボーン i skipped my breakfast too actually,my bad....

Actually,today there is problem with my work things didnt went well and i the type that only want to finish all by myself i know its not good but i just dont want to troublesome the others.

I always try to be strong because i know deep inside me im weak very weak.

Even so i do that because i wanna be smile for everyone 爆笑
Thats why whenever i have trouble i try to keep it for myself only because if im sad people around me will be sad too ガーン i cant let that happen everyone must be happy 😆 

So i hope i can always smile bright as the sun ☀
Everyone i hope your day always great keep try hard ラブ 

それじゃまた明日 👋 おやすみなさい 😪

Keep strong 💪