
The word plural refers to the form a noun takes when more than one thing is being mentioned. Most nouns have distinctive singular and plural forms.

the most common way to make a noun plural is to add s or es to the end of the singular form. Most nouns take the ending -s, except for those ending in -s, -z, -x, sh, -ch, or -ss, which take the suffix (ending )- es.


One dragon                One wish

Two dragons               Two wishes


Some nouns are given different plural endings to make them easier to pronounce. In most cases, it is possible to follow a few simple rules. If a word ends in -y, for example, and it has a vowel before the final -y, the plural is formed in the usual way: an s is added. If the final -y is preceded by a consonant, however, the y must be changed to i, followed by the ending -es.


Most nouns

book, day, horse, girl, car, fire 

add -s

books, days, horses, girls, cars, fires



bus, flash, fox, church, waltz,princess


buses, flashes, foxes, churches, waltzes, princesses


consonant + -y

party, lady, baby

replace -y with -i then add -es

parties, ladies, babies



shelf, wolf, leaf

replace - f with -v then add -es

shelves, wolves, leaves



knife, wife, life

replace- fe with -v then add -es

knives, wives, lives


Irregular plural nouns

Some words just don't follow the rules. Although many nouns that end in -o are made plural by adding an s, others take the ending -es. Some nouns change their spelling completely when they become plural, while others do not change at all. Words that originate from Latin and Greek often have irregular plural endings. These exceptions have to be learnt.


If the plural form of a noun is used in a sentence, the verb that follows it must also be plural.

Do not confuse plural words with possessive.  For example, "there are two Jasons( plural ) in my class ad this is Jason's car (possessive)


Words ending in -f usually change their endings to -ves

Singular   Plural

belief      beliefs

chief       chiefs

cliff         cliffs

roof         roofs


Words ending in -z usually takes the regular -es ending.

Singular  Plural

quiz       quizzes


Word ending in -o usually takes the -s ending.

Singular    Plural

echo        echoes

hero         heroes

potato n   potatoes

tomato     tomatoes


Words of Latin or Greek origin often have irregular plural forms.

Singular       Plural

analysis       analyses

appendix      appendices

crisis           crises


Some words change their spelling completely.

Singular      Plural

child           children

woman         women

person         people

man             men

foot             feet

tooth            teeth

goose          geese

mouse         mice

ox               oxen



Some words don't change at all

Singular       Plural

sheep          sheep

deer            deer

moose          moose

series           series

scissors         scissors


Some words have two plural forms

Singular         Plural

hoof              hooves of hoofs

dwarf             dwarves or dwarfs

mango            mangoes or mangos

buffalo            buffaloes or buffalo

index              indexes or indices

focus             focuses or foci


Staying singular

Collective nouns such as flock or crowd have plural forms but usually, appear in the singular. Some nouns do not have plural forms at all, even though they usually represent multiple things. Furniture, for example, is a singular word, but it may encompass a table, chair, a sofa, and wardrobe,

(furniture, education, information, homework, livestock, evidence, weather, knowledge)




Collective noun  The name given to a collection of individuals - people or things.

Plural noun        When more than one person or thing is being described.

Suffix              An ending made up of one or more letters that are added to a word to

                       change its form - for example, from singular to plural.