One day, I asked a teacher whom I have been looking up when it comes to the way to call parents 



"Excuse me, sir. I have one question. How can I improve the way to call parents? I sometimes freeeze and can't come up with any good answers to their questions "



It was a abstract question that is difficult to be answered, but he willingly gave me the best answer. 



It is simple. 


You just have to enjoy calling them. 



You just have to be kind to them. 



You just have to only think about how to make them happy. 




All you need is some information on what you must tell them and on some positive points of the students so that the parents will feel happy after the chat. 




I see...



That is the point!



Yeah, I will keep that in my mind. 






I was always putting my focus on the teacher sitting behind me and trying to steal some of the skills of calling parents. 



There are, however, other effective ways and better ways to do. 



Just ask him!



Then you will get the best answer. 

But you must consider what to ask before that. 



Sometimes, even thinking too much by yourself doesn't function well. 



Those who are already able to do anything in terms of every skill and technique are waiting for you to come to ask them in person. 



So, I will try my best to have some questions. 

I will be the one who always ask important things.



TTP is the best way to improve my skills. 

Of course it is also important to find essential points by myself, but




I do not have enough time. 

I will be the one who carries TTP the most.