These days, I have been finally getting used to working in a new environment as a 1st year of teacher. 



Before the summer vacation, I found everything new and tried to overcome every kind of difficulty with a mind without asking for any help. 



Although it was a lonely thing, I thought it was something I took for granted. 

Any challenge I go though should be an opportunity to become better version of myself. 



However, the more idea I came up with, the fewer I carried them out partly because I was too scared of mistakes and rejection. 



Yeah, I admit I am such a coward person that cannot act quickly and intuitively. 

I am good at inventing ideas, but terrible at putting them outside of my mind. 



That is what I used to be before the summer vacation. 

But, after that, I am now feeling like I enjoy working and experiencing new things. 



At the same time, I have been going through a lot of problems. 

Those are what will make me stronger and stronger mentally and physically. 



Today, in the morning, I made a mistake about a late announcement of an important thing. So, I was scolded, not scolded, but specifically given some advice. 



That is why I changed my mind by going to a toilet. 

And when I came back to the office I barely overheard my boss and co-worker chatting about me. 



I cannot describe in a too detail, but I do say it was something very important in a way that both encourages me and advises me to go further and further. 



I will make it! 

I will try!