
Arimasa Kubo talks about the Ark of the  with a Jewish connection 

日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) 「契約の箱」の意味・わかりやすい解説









久保 有政


長年「月刊レムナント」の主筆をつとめた。創造論、比較宗教、死後の世界、ユダヤと日本、キリスト教入門等に関する本は、アメリカ、韓国、台湾、中国等でも翻訳され、好評を博している。最近ではテレビ東京系列の番組「新説!? みのもんたの日本ミステリー」等にも聖書解説者として出演。「聖書と日本フォーラム」理事・常任講師。



 最近ではテレビ東京系列の番組「新説!? 日本ミステリー」等にも出演、聖書解説者としても活躍している。


This channel focuses on research and finding the connection between Judaism and old historical Japanese culture and tradition.

We will present to you interviews with Academic researchers, religious authorities, Book writers, archaeologists, and historians.

The primary purpose of this channel is to find the old connection between our great 2 cultures and to create a new bridge between our great nations Japan and Israel with god’s help.




Japanese-Jewish common ancestry theory

The Japanese-Jewish common ancestry theory is a fringe theory that appeared in the 17th century as a hypothesis which claimed the Japanese people were the main part of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. A later version portrayed them as descendants of a tribe of Central Asian Jewish converts to Nestorian Christianity. Some versions of the theory applied to the whole population, but others only claimed that a specific group within the Japanese people had descended from Jews.

Tudor Parfitt writes that "the spread of the fantasy of Israelite origin ... forms a consistent feature of the Western colonial enterprise",[1] stating,

It is in fact in Japan that we can trace the most remarkable evolution in the Pacific of an imagined Judaic past. As elsewhere in the world, the theory that aspects of the country were to be explained via an Israelite model was introduced by Western agents.[2]

Researcher and author Jon Entine emphasizes that DNA evidence excludes the possibility of significant links between Japanese and Jews.[3]

or your inquiry :

This clip was made by:

Sharon Gidon Kobayashi from Israel 

Website: http://sgk-studio.com​

Facebook:    / kobayashisan555  ​

Instagram:    / mr.kobayash.  ​.

SGK-STUDIO Production is a professional video production company based in Tokyo, Japan.

SGK-STUDIO Production は 東京を拠点とする


SGK-STUDIO Production はシャロン・ギドンにより2000年に設立されました。

During the Age of Discovery, European explorers attempted to connect many peoples with whom they first came into contact to the Ten Lost Tribes, sometimes in conjunction with attempts to introduce Christian missionaries. The first person to identify the Lost Tribes with an East Asian nation was João Rodrigues (1561–1634), a Jesuit missionary and interpreter. In 1608, he argued that the Chinese descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel. He believed that the Chinese sages Confucius and Laozi took their ideas from Judaism.[4] Rodrigues later abandoned this theory. In his Historia da Igreja do Japão he argued that Japan was populated in two waves of immigration from the mainland, one group originating from Chekiang (Zhejiang), and the other from Korea.[5]

According to Parfitt, "the first full-blown development of the theory was put forward by Nicholas McLeod, a Scot who started his career in the herring industry before he ended up in Japan as a missionary".[6] In 1870 McLeod published Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan.[7] According to Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, MacLeod had been a missionary who spent decades in Japan and Korea "searching for the true Israelites".[8][9] and Illustrations to the Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan,[10] claiming that the Japanese people included descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, who formed the aristocracy and traditional priestly castes. Evidence cited for this theory included similarities between the legends of Emperor Jimmu and Moses, the presence of "Portuguese-Jewish" racial features on some Japanese, and similarities between Shinto and Judaism.[11]