day1 after fasting | super!!のブログ




This afternoon I finished retreat for fasting. 
I lost 3kg for 7days, but I felt like just lost my muscle... Will back to yoga regularly and now I can eat meals but small amount as much as possible. Otherwise my stomach will be hurt... Not good...

Had papaya with cash nuts youglet was great!! However my feeling with food wasn't too excited. For me I just worried about my internal organ, stomach, liver and colon etc...

Defenetly my diet would be changed, but I feel more comfortable with this way. 

After left the retreat centre I went to Yoga urn for Yin yoga. It wasn't hard for me  just good relaxation and stretching :))

Will try another type of yoga tomorrow morning. It's 7am!!!!! 
I would better go to sleep...

Photo1) papaya with youglet 
Photo2) today's dinner... Only papaya...

結果的には、マイナス3キロ… 多分、筋肉が落ちただけだと思います、あまり、見た目変わってないし。


パパイヤ+カシューナッツ入りのヨーグルト  食事をしても、そこまで興奮しませんでした。

リトリートが終わった後、インヨガに参加したよ@ヨガバーン  激しくない動きだったから、ストレッチかつリラックスできました。

Morning flow... どんなヨガか、楽しみ☻