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iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III head to head... in cheap fifa 14 coins a blender
Apples are an ingredient in many smoothies, after all...(Credit:Screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET)Just when I thought the iPhone 5 versus Samsung Galaxy S3 torture head-to-head trend couldn't go any further, Blendtec has upped the ante again.The company has been reducing various gadgets and more to little more than silicon and carbon dust for years now in its "Will it Blend" series on YouTube. Related storiesiPad 2 dropped in lavaiPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S III torture testWhile we've seen theiPhone hold up a little better than the GS3 in drop tests and other sadistic face-offs of late, it seems to hold out against Blendtec's high-speed blades a bit longer. But in the end, both phones wind up as what looks like a heap of ash.Check out the video below. Now that we've seen iDevices dropped from planes, melted in hot lava, and turned into a smoothie, please let us know if there's any other torture tests left that you'd like to see. Perhaps a perfectly good phone dropped fut 14 coins in acid? Tarred and feathered? Stomped on by a "Gangnam Style" flash mob?(Via Mashable)
iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III head to head... in a blender