アメリカでは去年から感染者がいたんだ! Covid-19 Likely in U.S. in Mid-December 2019, CDC Scientists ReportThe new coronavirus infected people in the U.S. in mid-December 2019, a few weeks before it was officially identified in China and about a month earlier than public health authorit…www.wsj.com 米政府が19日に発表した研究報告書によると、このnovel coronavirusは2019年12月中旬に米国で感染し、中国が正式に確認した数周間前で、米国の公衆衛生部門が初めての症例を発見した時より約1カ月早かった。
Covid-19 Likely in U.S. in Mid-December 2019, CDC Scientists ReportThe new coronavirus infected people in the U.S. in mid-December 2019, a few weeks before it was officially identified in China and about a month earlier than public health authorit…www.wsj.com