We would want to record that it becomes a reference in case of an earthquake this time.

We have the description in English and I think that if there is a chance that people overseas to see if.
This is the introduction of some of the earthquake that ordinary people of Fukushima experienced.

I think new to your memory of all of you, but you talk about the experience of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean earthquake Tohoku district Pacific Ocean today. 14:46 March 11, 2011, occurred as the epicenter Magnitude 9 Pacific Ocean off the coast of Sanriku, Oki earthquake and preparedness for earthquakes of everyone, the extensive damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in the East region of Kanto from Tohoku even a little precious lives of 10 009 thousand people were deprived together with missing bring. Seismic intensity 7, was the earthquake of intensity 6 upper in Koriyama city lived me in Kurihara, Miyagi Prefecture at most. After that, I became a huge disaster of unprecedented 100,000 restricted area blame and sheltering nuclear plant explosion is happening in Fukushima.
I was hit by the earthquake on the way to pick me up at my daughter from workplace. It was a graduation ceremony of junior high school toward the court appearance was warm days strangely in the morning as I do not have any on the 11th March. It said staff never stiff neck and became hurts shoulder in the morning, each was talking the disorder of the body many times such as was almost fall feet tangled, ringing in the ears such as the staff different in the workplace . turtle day when I myself do not stuffy sleep almost one week had kept more had rampage from the previous day. When I left the workplace, there was an eerie silence birdsong is not heard at all that day.
Shaking the first came in less than three minutes after leaving the workplace. Announcer has complained many times, "Do not panic, please put out the fire," and from radio wore.
I felt the shaking, but there was afford to look around yet. And violent shaking of the second time has come soon you are Innovation ho shaking fit.
I was next to the gymnasium just, but the large window glass of a gymnasium been arched on the outside, glass was raining broken one after the other along with the large explosion at the moment when I wanted to! "Dangerous". Glass did not hit the gym so was away from the road, but fortunately, you might have died If you are in if directly below.
My telephone pole shaking violently as it seems broken, felt the danger was waiting from the road, shaking from fit to put the car in the parking lot of a large gymnasium aside immediately. Radio announcer raise the voice close to scream, I to have been upset extra when you hear it.
I shook violently up and down left and right as the car is also one tons is a shaking of about not have a handle which is or are on the trampoline at all.
Who were outside also will not be standing at all, we are squatted down.
People who are in the same parking lot also turned pale and go out shaking subsided soon. I have each other comfort takes a hand women and strangers who were next to, but she was crying and worried about the children is not must go home over an hour's drive.
Two police officers came down from the cage of a police car in front as it happens, I started calling desperately to confirm the safety I pick up the mike voice was trembling.
The snowstorm enough if you are going to Serve car with calm feelings, front of darker may not see the sky suddenly. Sight seems like whether the end of the world. There was also a fear of the earthquake, but the way down the snow is extraordinary, only I was just trembling. It was found later and there were many people who came to think the same with me.
It was no longer a landscape of Koriyama know and I run the car retaken care.
Road swell big, glass and tile are scattered on the road to fall fallen across the board cracks fence, I drove carefully to avoid falling objects.
Building a tilted, wall collapse, utility poles crooked. Apartment one floor of a three-story collapsed.
Large aftershocks can also while running. Each time the earthquake comes while driving, sweat in the hands and heart palpitations. Cold sweat appears when I shake while driving becomes a trauma still.
Just Koriyama was spared confusion of road traffic lights because it was operating normally electricity not stop.

I was waiting in the schoolyard all without home from school when you arrive at the elementary school. May have been suffered a serious injury to students in falling objects, such as a tile that has fallen and fallen fence as long as they come home from school. Was the earthquake a few minutes before leaving school was a blessing in disguise. Children were waiting to let stiffened expression, but tensions did know the moment I saw the face of parents who came to pick, any child was also crying mother Nishigami with.
It had been put up that my daughter but also cry, eyes full of tears that looked up at my face anxious and scared so do not never forget even now.

Mother at home alone in the worry, and go home in a hurry to join with the middle son, tile is scattered in the garden to fall cracked and windows to collapse, furniture all is in the collapsed ceiling fell Once inside the walls of the house thing is noisily ramshackle any moment as "Mishimishi ghee ghee" is whole house earthquake even though it has already been settled scattering, as a bonus.
My mother was crying sitting in a chair in the room. That's right was in the car to protect the person of the neighborhood until just before we come.
My mother had become stuck in amazement when the earthquake came. Worried about the mother not come out of the house, people next door seems to have me call out, but shouted "! Not help" and I think that the end of the world to the state of the furniture that fall and shaking as I do not stand up That's right. However, it helped me to pull out the mother the next person to enter the house.
There was no family injury although it was damage like that.

But I was determined that at home, it is not the state can live so I decided to go to the shelter.
It was close in the middle convenience store, but store-changing throat cracking bottle of liquor is open goods even when the fall, people who feared the food was making a long line.
Shelter made by the We were lucky circumstance futon me in order to building strong earthquake with a tatami.
When I went to receive a document to City Hall, and a peek at the refuge of indoor baseball field, Some people who took refuge in the toughest place of 1 blankets laid cardboard on top of the population turf. Smell of suffocatingly had muffled Is it not even ventilation here. There was also a facility shelter can not use damaged by the earthquake.
Although the earthquake-proof shelters us, there are aftershocks frequently, shaking to push up from the bottom along with the rumbling to say Innovation go each time, with anxiety what to try stronger earthquake when he comes, and what especially at night eyes did not sleep wake up even once.
Day 3 shelter was able to mouth something warm to the soup kitchen on their own, but to use the kitchen knife becomes prohibited distribution thing enters, sweet bun and salt rice balls, bananas became hard to tick every day, It was a meal, such as milk. Speaking of food, collect the men with the bike some organizations, he worked with me carrying going to take the food to where the car is not run.
I can not put gasoline in order only vehicle carrying emergency supplies such as track became gasoline supply soon, nothing longer carry from damaged home unfortunately
That there is no private While there is a sense of security is not a one person to live together with people of strangers becomes stress, was also thin 6 kg in a week.
Daughter has to cough in asthma, sad thought was also It is said to be "get out of the room" from a man.
In the shelter of the other, there was also a place that you or the room of men and women in situations where men of strangers or are looking into the women wake up with in the middle of the night, I can not even change of clothes, and put a curtain or partition.
There were many old people want care and my mother, to go to the bathroom. Please be careful that this may be sick to die horrible called "economy syndrome".
Body will begin to smell indeed when it comes to day 4 shelter life. I also no longer healthy first, time to lie to make a bear under the eyes has increased.
The next day, you get a shampoo Find the Barber open the way to the disaster countermeasures office on an errand, and the frank, such as a bath though, I only washed "head and daughter, it was a bath I was feeling each other and laugh "
We Koriyama citizen was told to leave the shelter that day, the inhabitants of the sea side is coming evacuated by explosion of Fukushima nuclear power plant. We were able to have at a loss without a place to go back home is broken apartment rented housing enters found fortunately.
But there is no household appliances and furniture fleeting pleasure because I did not carry most things from the house. Home appliances store Koriyama is not open, wash wash by hand, I did not put only limited food and not be kept because there is no refrigerator. Besides appearance of food is now able to send forced to impaired life no longer in convenience stores and supermarkets.
Appearance of collapse more and more home instead wall at every aftershock, we will not be able to enter the full of them. It is now recognized as destroyed breaking from the middle where you were asked to consult a consultant the house.
Even though only earthquake did serious thought, by radioactive contamination, it was must be a more difficult life. Health of grandchildren by radioactivity and house completely destroyed is crying every day worried about, my mother was in bed palpitations and at every aftershock.
In the trauma of the earthquake, but also parents and children had a Vehicle night crying every night house is scary in the children's. Also were some infants most of the night is not stuffy sleep crying at night becomes violently.
It disappeared from the city most children evacuated, including my kids about this time last year 1. Figure also eliminates a lively voice Kyojiru to play in the park and cheer entering the pool if it was usually not heard at all, Koriyama whole had become like a ghost town to say it's summer vacation.
It was still a blue plastic sheet was put on the roof of each house during the summer even if you can not repair.

Radioactivity values ​​I had been sent a daily high concern because of the direction of the wind at Koriyama afterwards.
It was said number has disappointed high guardians of students who have been moving in with warning and evacuation to school daughter from "Kawauchi village" is a person of Koriyama.
Ban, outside play is off limits, park. Do not walk near the gutter. Root of the tree is dangerous radioactivity value is high. Do not touch the sand or soil. Hat, mask, long-sleeved long pants when going out. From school in this figure though it is midsummer. Classroom only fan air conditioning is not attached outside air from entering. The eyes of students in the hollow heat. There was also a child to issue a nosebleed in hot flashes. And it was while physical fitness decline is also school gymnasium can not use the collapse can not be used even schoolyard. Than what's scary is the fear of children's health of radioactivity are invisible to the eye.

Mother told me to try refuge together unfortunately passed away in October of last year one chronic disease is worsening. And has been evacuated to Tokyo in two daughters and mother finished the "49 days Buddhist memorial service". It did not come together because of work, high school acceptance before any I had decided second son eldest son, and you are because you do not want to change schools two days before evacuation.

Children are sent a handicapped life still has a regulation, such as playing outside in Fukushima. You are without shelter for a variety of reasons loan or house work, such as caring friends I also want to evacuate worried about children. It has become the tragedy of not evacuating the children my home who built wish the happiness of children becomes a stumbling block.
There were also some reports children of Fukushima evacuated by harmful rumors all over the country that are bullying, but elementary school daughter it was a refugee acceptance for the first time, but through the spirit friends also made me kindly from you have.
Because it has been evacuated at the time of the schoolyard disabled and park play in Fukushima, I was happy for us that we could not take for granted just was out without a mask.
I lost all by the earthquake and radioactivity. The lost relatives house or return home with, was wounded in heart and sorrow deep is the life of the family apart. But I do my best friends has made me moral support.
It is a miserable experience of large earthquake, when it was attacked by a calamity, was reminded of the difficulties of living alone, a connection with the government and society me. And I learned the bonds of mind and mutual assistance between people.
Now, it is full of thoughts every day thanks to everyone who helped.

Memory of the earthquake is revived every time you shake still
Scene of the disaster that has revived is not far from the head
I tired and exhausted mentally and physically

It was the repeated the last two years

Fukushima also became a catastrophe of unprecedented by the nuclear accident
Situations where it is not forced to evacuate chased a house lived is still going on

Fear and fight against radioactivity invisible
Family life apart
Even have family that was home collapsed in
The fear and the future health of children by radioactivity
Fukushima prefecture was supposed to piggyback and suffering Itatamarenai hotness

Fukushima overflowing blessings of nature of that mountain and the sea to go back to
Is it say the need for a course of how much

For voluntary evacuees
It is said to be "? Either discard Fukushima"

And also the door is said to "go back to Fukushima" in the refuge

Date of wounded thoughtless words we

We do not mean abandoned Fukushima
It is a full of thoughts Fukushima want to go back I love
But as long as it is not said to be safe
I do not want to expose to danger the child

Natural threats are allowed to witness
Have you felt the transience and regret and fear of how much
And suffering caused by nuclear accident

Such as weathering is impossible in me those of us who experienced
It becomes trauma and suffering, and deep sorrow
It is the experience of unprecedented to remember forever

People has overcome the difficulties and various threats
The righting sure to be broken heart, the rising,
I have started walking again

The people that the victims in the earthquake now that you have two years
To get back the life that you can rest assured that
I will probably take time
But the step-by-step face forward
The figure you have and let's proceed
When introduced, such as television and newspapers
I feel acutely and the strength of the people

Although there was a two-year painful
Compassion kindness and warmth of the people from
And I can also see the body has a connection

In challenged shelter
Did you have to take for granted sends a life blessed before the earthquake. . .
I was also able to obtain a variety of lesson

Volunteers to gather people from all over the country
Also, and I appreciate the support of many
And I have received the courage and strength

The encouragement from many people. . .

But on the other hand
The painful reality of Tohoku earthquake, after the earthquake
There are people you do not know

Sad most indifferent people is be had
I learned evacuated it

People do not experience firsthand the reality unfortunately
The horror and suffering
Why can not I understand

Earthquake not only the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
In Japan today, even if what happened in the region
Natural threats not funny
It is the event you are not in other people's affairs

2 years have passed since the earthquake that weathering of memory is said

However, the earthquake disaster in Fukushima
There is also a figure-of reality remains unchanged
The reconstruction, it is far from the disaster area

Will not go back to the home that you want to return to, contaminated
Suffering not go back to there is a dear old house

I do not want to repeat the suffering of Fukushima
Earthquake in natural disasters, nuclear accident is a man-made disaster

The horror of the earthquake
One person if conscious
The victim would have been less more

Of those who read the blog today
I think that if you can put at the back of one's mind

Thank you for visits today

I hope peace and loveキラキラ

Abe Motoko


Do not expect to land in Fukushima, go up on the other


Present Koriyama City vacant lot stands out

