札幌雪祭りが開催されます 2017年2月6~12日大通会場 5丁目広場(東南ブース) 

札幌スタイルショップ 雪まつり特別会場にて 

オリジナル商品以外の 雪まつり特別商品のご用意あります! 



During the Sapporo Snow Festival from February 5th (Thu.) - February 11th (Wed. / National Holiday), "St. Monica" products including natural horse oil, will be ...on sale at the "Sapporo Style Shop" at the 5 Chome Odori Site.
We will also be set up for a special event on the 7th floor of the Daimaru Sapporo Department Store from February 4th (Wed.) to February 11th (Wed. / National Holiday).

You can also purchase St. Monica products at the following locations.

Near Odori Park: YUIQ (select Hokkaido brands shop), Hokuyo Bank, Second Floor
Near Sapporo Station: Sapporo Style Official Shop, JR Tower, Sixth Floor; Kenko Shop 21, Tokyu Department Store, Basement 1
Official Store: St. Monica Maruyama Main Store (Closed Sundays, Mondays, and National Holidays)stmonica.info/shop/



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