blogway to spiritual【first contact】 Part3


Dear.All、har mår du?

I made natto from rosemary that I grew myself.

Super organic オーガニック酔っ払い

Well, the continuation from the last timeダウン

And here, I notice It feel something weird.

Their hands(?) around my neck It became so heavy that my neck couldn't stand it...

I can't do it anymore, it's heavy!!️

 I thought so then‼️

The scene switched and how ...

I'm walking in the surrounded by soil tunnel!?️

It likes a tunnel where dwarves pass in search of jewellery with a round ceiling that seems to be artificially built and solidified with soil in all directions.


I came to a strange place again without permission滝汗ゲッソリ笑い泣きゲロー

Again, an incident occurred.

Feel like a naughty child.滝汗

Ok....Let's back...Just back...Go Sanae go...

Where is the entrance!?️笑い泣き

even where is the exitゲッソリ笑い泣きゲッソリ笑い泣き

Still, my feet didn't stop more and more, and I went deep...

At the end of it, there is a hole like an entrance to another world without Door ...

It's difficult to explain, but it's like a colourful membrane that can be made when making soap bubbles, but a pattern like Flower Off Life is emerging, and it's a little glowing. ( Do you got it?💦)

When I went through there,
what a surprise...

…To be continued音譜

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Ses snart 👋