blogway to spiritual【first contact】 Part2


Dear.All、har mår du?

In our small rural town,

The farmer's market has arrived.


Continuation from the last time⬇️

When you open the door,

there is…

A cute light like a small baby, about the size of a knee, pops out and is hugged as much as they can. ( I feel like I'm putting my arms around my neck and squeezing)

I will never ever forget thismoment.

And they whispered that

「You're really amazing‼️

「yes you are❗️

「working great‼️

Crying loudly.

As a feeling, I finally met my mother who I couldn't see for a long time, and like the words I got that love reached the back of my soul, and I can't stop crying!!️

I don't even know why...

I feel like that somehow!

Our team was a small team that was involved narrowly and deeply, and there were two E.T.

※Up to 9 people. There are also people who are of the A lively type of team.

「Sanae is the type of team who does it with a small number of people. Like the Trinity」

Well, if you have a good intuition, you will notice what kind of book was the book that triggered me to wake up❓

Yes, the story of the Trinity
(I explained the details in the past blog.)

That was...


Everything is finally connected here.

It was hard work in the earth(not yet darling lol)

It became an impressive first contact that I can't talk about without tears.

「Then, please come back once.」

When I returned from my meditation to that word and opened my eyes...

Most people are crying😂 

I wasn't the only me. 

And so, will the second contact.

This time, I can meet them very easily coz...

Because there are people who is smooth white people, other than the two in the team.ポーンゲッソリ

The guide,
was there. Lol

Somehow, orionian seem to be super dry...

while we are celebrating the reopening in a noisy way,

Only the orionian is standing very calmly and dignified. Lol

looks like…

Pokemon's Mewtwo?!

Ok i said too much滝汗

(sorry my guide🙇‍♀️)

And here, I notice a certain abnormality.…

…To be continued音譜

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Ses snart 👋