blogway to spiritual【scout】 Part3


Dear everyone,Hur mår du?

We want to indoor athletics ❤️

Adults also excited more than children笑

well, the previous…

The day.

The first contact began at 2AM in Sweden...


It has took around 4hour.


All I do is worry笑い泣き笑い泣き笑い泣き

I felt all the participants seemed likes very spiritually savvy, psychics‼️滝汗

Will i be able to meet properly⁉️

If i couldn't see them⁉️

What if my team's E.T faces are really scary 叫び

How would i approach a being without a physical body⁉️

The number of people they couldn't meet or connect with until now was...


Am I going to be the first person ⁉️

what should i do叫び

but i know, No matter how great the work is, everyone is nervous at first滝汗

Gaining confidence,Everything starts 

Dive into something so exciting that all fear will be blown away.

Now that you've come to Earth, 
let's go on an adventureDASH!

"First of all, those of you who came here today, you are here as scouts from above. You may think that you applied on your own volition, but that is not the case."

They called me ∑( °口° )!?

"From now on, i will assign a guide to each of you so that you can take a safe route and get there without getting lost."


and my guide is....

orionian メラメラ

my gosh...❣️

my tension
It exploded.LOL

Will we be able to meet not only the team but also the Orionians? ポーンポーンポーン

"For your safety, don't ride in places where instructions are not given or on the wrong things."


I was guided properly and could not have been more polite.Even though I received the details but...

can't see anything 笑い泣き笑い泣き

And here, once I return from the conscious...

alredy tiredゲッソリ
 (*she was divided into sections and let us practice.)

Calm down,
Calm down for now Sanae...

"Then let's actually go to the star alliance's mothership."

Can i⁉️

blows away.

(flip ニヤニヤ)

too amazing...That eveything about this work...

“I have prepared a meeting room exclusively for everyone inside the star alliance mothership, so let’s meet there.”

A meeting room for our team on the star alliance mothership⁉️


In fact,before I make contact, 

I answer questions that 

seem to work unconsciously, 

and those questions are 

the color and room number of the door of my team's exclusive meeting room, 

so that I can easily reach them.

That was super touched

…To be continued音譜