blog【Eng Ver.】way to spiritual 【wake up】


about fullerene


and so...
After experiencing ultimate 

 I realize that I am completely different from 

I don't know how to explain it in words...
The body, dimensions, and parallels
that covered my soul until now...

It's a completely different
feeling than before

The vibrations have changed, the frequency has completely changed✨✨✨

When that happens, 

I received tremendous support 

from the universe ❤️

And then,
It reminds me of a friend I had 
when I lived in Australia.

That friend 
who suddenly had the experience of 
the border between 
life and death, 
and when she woke up, 
she could able to see 
the invisible world

After I returned to Japan,
 I didn't have contact with my friend 
who remained in Australia for many years

I felt like I was being asked to contact her 
and I remembered her.

and what happen then…

I decided the connected to Asian dragon!!

what happened suddenly?

I know...

The tempo of the universe is so fast that
it moves forward before our understanding can catch up. lol
(Heart and soul come first,
head comes second…)

「anyways,you have 

Asian doragon🐉」

 Starting with those words, 

amazing things began to happen 

at an incredible rate...

At that time, 

I didn't know how to grounding or 

even meditate.

That person who will have

Connect with 

the dragon⁉️


 I didn't even know 
which was right or wong
I did as she was told and greeted
the Asian dragon...


What the Asian doragon 

Does such a thing exist⁉️

For some reason, 
it just doesn't feel right...


A powerful energy 
came back to me

This is

So I was convinced and immediately called.


My fingers curled up tightly

as if transforming into 
a Asian dragon's hand holding a ball, 


I felt like 
I was a Asian dragon🐉

It was 
an amazing, incredible 

And so‼️

What kind of dragon ⁉️

yeah...I can hear you guys...


A yellow dragon 
mixed with gold,
 and the folds are 
rainbow colored🌈


A Rainbow 

Now that I think about 
 It's the perfect fit for me, 
a flashy Venusian...
I'm very curious,
every color is wonderful
That's i usually think so...

 a dragon that is not only beautiful
but also overwhelmed by its huge size.💖

At that time, she also said:

A unicorn just popped out...!! 


I run to my son,

who was about two years old at the time.

Because I had a clueビックリマーク

This was my son's

favorite toy🤣🤣

The unicorn is still watching over my son💖

🦄love Children 飛び出すハート

and then,
she also said:

「I broke the seal 
that was locked for some reason, 
what is that⁉️


Do you ask me that
 because I don't even know
what spirituality is⁉️LOL

when I received the application,
 I thought, 
wow, I got a Super psychic❗️
 but i realize it was you 滝汗"

…What's happen 
to the World…⁉️笑い泣き

At that time, 
I dismissed this prologue as 
if it were someone else's problem, saying, 

"Sometimes mysterious 
things happen.''

At that time,

I learned about Jiro Yantara,

 and for the next year,

 I spent every day without fail, 

receiving activation
and adjustments 
from the Arcturus,universe.

When I first learned about 
"light language'' 
I felt 
a shockingly beautiful breeze 
run through me.

"I want to be able to 
speak light language‼️"

 I remember thinking strongly. 🍀*゜

this is just the Prolog.

Sice then, 

even more strange things

will happen.

It's will be in the next blog.

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Se snart 👋