京の碑めぐり:高陽院跡 | 紫野瀨﨑家




Kayano-in was a building that served as the residence of Prince Kaya, a son of Emperor Kanmu, during the Heian period, and later became the residence of Fujiwara Yorimichi. It had a spacious area of ​​about 2 cho (approximately 250 meters square) in both the north-south and east-west directions, and was a magnificent residence modeled after the Seiryou Palace. It was surrounded by ponds on all sides, with seasonal gardens, and was said to be four times larger than other noble residences. It was passed down to the Imperial Family and senior nobles from the 9th to the 10th century, and was destroyed by fire in 1039, 1054, 1080, and 1112, but was rebuilt each time. In the Kamakura period, it became the base of the cloistered government as the retired Emperor Gotoba's palace, and in 1221, conspiracies leading to the Jōkyū War took place there. However, it was burned down in arson in 1223 and was never rebuilt thereafter.